Example sentences of "might [vb infin] to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Much attention is now being paid to the contribution which differences in labour market flexibility might make to the explanation of international differences in unemployment rates and economic growth .
2 It 's gripping , moving and unexceptionable ( although purists might object to the interweaving of the very different gospel stories ) .
3 FOREIGN exchange dealers who were imagining what John Smith as Chancellor might do to the value of the pound if Labour wins the election , were yesterday ambushed instead by one Antonio Cavaco Silva , prime minister of Portugal .
4 And if this seems an exaggeration then we might refer to the aims of a document entitled ‘ Information skills in the secondary curriculum ’ which was the result of the recommendations of a working group sponsored by the British Library and the Schools Council , and which embodies most of the current thinking on user education in schools .
5 There are three principal factors which might contribute to the success of an informal approach to AQC :
6 Even among the more informed the idea that our shared experiences and perspectives might contribute to the birth of a culture can generate anxiety .
7 Sale et al. ( 1975 ) have suggested that increased public education about the facts of attempted suicide , as opposed to commonly held beliefs , might contribute to the development of less favourable attitudes , which in turn might lead to a reduction in suicide attempts .
8 However , it is worth considering the less easily defined aspects of analysis which might contribute to the validity of results .
9 Political as well as economic reasons might contribute to the use of a standardised design .
10 Or one might look to the content of specific rules and judicial pro-nouncements to see whether they conform to certain moral standards for family behaviour laid down by community or authority .
11 So far the process of grief that has been outlined is how people might react to the loss of someone they love , whether that person has died or has gone out of their life for good .
12 To determine whether this site might correspond to the site of phosphorylation by the DNA-PK , we mutated Ser-249 to an alanine residue to generate Jun-Core S A ( Figure 3A ) .
13 I had n't heard of this ‘ tide of concern ’ that governments might over-react to the threat of global warming .
14 The trade unions on Feb. 20 warned that if the issue of the labour agreement was not settled soon , union actions over pay would start , which might lead to the blocking of activity in key economic sectors .
15 The weather forecast was not too bad , either , except that the heavy recent downpours might lead to the cracking of some water , or even gas , mains .
16 Further experimentation might lead to the identification of other difficulty factors which could be incorporated into criterion statements .
17 Activities that might lead to the objective of promotion to head of a department might be , ‘ enrol on a management course ’ , ‘ achieve at least four research publications within the next two years ’ , ‘ join two committees and get involved with service planning ’ .
18 Her response was to revive the tactics of earlier campaigns with chevauchées which might lead to the capture of strongpoints in northern France and put pressure on Paris itself .
19 Viscount Dilhorne similarly held that if the requested court was not satisfied that evidence was required , direct evidence for use at a trial as contrasted with information which might lead to the discovery of evidence , it had no power to assist .
20 Attlee during his Washington visit of 4 – 5 December 1950 had been able to elicit no more than a promise that Britain would be kept informed of any developments which might lead to the use of nuclear weapons .
21 Many commentators had forecast that the Cabinet session might lead to the collapse of the ruling Likud dominated coalition , with Ne'eman and Ze'evi taking their small hardline parties ( Tehiyaand Moledet ) out of the government in protest .
22 Re was at first pleased but soon realised that Hathor 's delight in killing might lead to the destruction of all mankind , which he had not intended .
23 The recent tradition of holding televised debates between the main candidates was maintained despite earlier indications that disputes over format and procedure might lead to the abandonment of the practice .
24 Meanwhile , a reward has been offered for information which might lead to the arrest of the killer of Arthur Brumhill .
25 Writing off the gaps on the map will not involve evictions on the scale of Poletown , but then nothing is coming to take the place of the bulldozed blocks ; and sealing one neighbourhood 's coffin might lead to the decline of the other neighbourhoods around it .
26 He was soon associated with a group around Sir John Vaughan [ q.v. ] , also including Sir Thomas Littleton and Sir Richard Temple [ q.v. ] , who frequently voiced concern during the 1660s that the restored government 's need to secure itself in power , coupled with Parliament 's Royalist enthusiasm , might lead to the erosion of England 's laws and liberties .
27 Yeah , if you think you might come to the end of a conversation before you reach the end of the tape , they 've rather you put a new tape in .
28 On this morning however , they dallied somewhat so that each might have the off-chance of that little bit of news that other people call gossip , which the other might add to the jigsaw of seemingly useless information built up bit by bit in small minds .
29 This was Ceauşescu 's preferred weapon in dealing with his critics at home and abroad , when the case was not urgent and when the very length of the victim 's sufferings might add to the satisfaction of his elimination .
30 Sole practitioners and two partner firms were understandably fearful that institutions might retaliate to the imposition of a hardship test ( or cap ) by restricting their conveyancing panels to firms with three or more partners , and attention was drawn to the ‘ threat ’ issued by the Halifax Building Society in this regard , as well as to the current practice of a number of lenders .
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