Example sentences of "might have [be] [adj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Dead is dead , no matter who signs the warrant , though it might have been nice to think that BW had felt compassion when she typed that letter and a bit of respect , maybe , for Stoker Gerry McKeown of the Mercantile Marine .
2 He might have been surprised to know that before Ellis became director in 1950 , the same was true in Texas .
3 The only impressions from his heavy sleep which touched him with a faintest trace were mysteriously , elusively compounded of plumed candle flame , drumming rain , a ship held by ice , huddled sheep , and a malignant shadow stooped-muttering over a desk or table or bench in a room or a cell he thought he might have been able to recognize if only he could have opened his eyes .
4 The only impressions from his heavy sleep which touched him with a faintest trace were elusively compounded of dank , dripping trees , dazzling headlights , stairways , huddled sheep , a ship held by ice mast-high , and a sick man with skin blotched with words gibbering upon a bed in a room in a house he thought he might have been able to recognize if only he could have opened his eyes .
5 Thus Castro was in dire need of a Soviet commitment to preserve his revolution , and in a speech given to the United Nations on 26 September 1960 the Cuban leader may have been hinting at the price he might have been willing to pay when he said , ‘ We understand how terrible the subordination of the economy and life in general of nations to foreign economic power is .
6 It might have been difficult to prove that librarians themselves took the initiative for the censorship , although many would have been pleased to make that claim .
7 Although she might have been wise to add that even the life of a Television Presenter 2nd Class is a doddle compared to packing frozen peas , doing a 12-hour nursing shift in an understaffed hospital ward or for that matter being married to David Mellor .
8 The loud tugging and pulling that followed — the instructions from the Colonel , instructions from the landlord , banging of levers , banging of latches — eclipsed any small performance Mrs Crump might have been inclined to give and when the company was finally re-seated she was wise enough to let it pass .
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