Example sentences of "us [vb infin] that [art] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Let us assume that a cat stalks a duck until it gets within striking distance .
2 As an example , let us assume that a package exists and that some of the constituent modules are also contained in other packages which have different managers .
3 The sentence has 28 characters in it , so let us assume that the monkey has a series of discrete " tries ' , each consisting of 28 bashes at the keyboard .
4 Let us assume that the economy inherits a real wage rate w 1 .
5 Let us hope that the electorate sack them in April .
6 Let us hope that the lesson has been learnt and that never again shall we see this vile practice recur .
7 Let us suppose that the lady did not die , but was whisked into obscurity .
8 In order to illustrate the effects of taxation , let us suppose that the government imposes a tax on labour employed in the retail sector , so that and become and , respectively .
9 Let us suppose that the contravener sold to an investor 1000 shares at a price of £100,000 .
10 Let us suppose that an acquaintance has said that Smith acted wrongly in telling a fairly minor lie in order to promote his career , and suppose that a little later he himself tells a fairly minor lie in order to promote his career .
11 Let us imagine that the traveller has at his disposal a computer , far ahead of present possibilities , into which — we assume the behaviourist position -is continually fed all , and much more than , his own information about himself and his situation .
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