Example sentences of "same [noun] [conj] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's lying in the same direction as it was flying when it came down — north-east to south-west .
2 However , the need for more practice should not prevent us , as it so often does , from listening to that same melody when it is played by our more popular rivals .
3 Battells have also pointed out that they very often receive separate orders from the same areas and it is suggested that to save on carriage etc .
4 But that same reader is likely to resent and disbelieve the same insight when it is told him as a fact by an author .
5 A preliminary meeting in Manchester in October 1853 got the support of the BFASS committee ; when an inaugural gathering was held Sturge and Thompson spoke from the same platform and it was resolved that the Manchester Anti-Slavery Union should become an auxiliary of the BFASS .
6 Ion Aurel Stoica , leader of the government 's negotiating team and Minister of State for the Quality of Life and Social Security , offered his resignation on the same day but it was rejected by Roman .
7 ‘ We can , of course , come up with a quotation the same day if it 's required urgently , and in the not too distant future we aim to give on-the-spot quotations . ’
8 using it at the same rate but it 's going for a longer time .
9 If annual incidence is equal to annual outcidence ( water is pouring into the sink at the same rate as it is emptying ) , then annual prevalence remains at a stable , unchanging level ( the water level in the sink is constant ) .
10 Where the snout , or end , of a glacier stayed in one place for many years — which was when the ice was advancing at the same rate as it was melting — more and more boulder clay was dumped at the glacier snout .
11 It will hold all the excess line you are ever likely to need , and its very concept of reeling will preserve the line from those snarls we mentioned earlier , because the line has little option but to reel back in the same form as it was reeled out .
12 A nineteen twenties warplane is to be rebuilt at the same factory where it was made .
13 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
14 Perhaps not surprisingly , the term community is used by Dunrossness residents in much the same way as it is used by politicians and social scientists .
15 The other fun competition that I entered was the same idea but it is played in the dark you use a special ball which is slightly transparent there is a hole in the middle of the ball which a lightstick goes through .
16 A copy of the report must also be sent to him at the same time that it is sent to the Secretary of State , and he then has twenty-one days in which to decide whether he will ask for a review board to examine the whole matter in public .
17 The United Kingdom announced at the same time that it was freeing Iraqi assets worth £70,000,000 ( about US$126,000,000 ) , but a UK Foreign Office spokesman denied allegations that Richer 's release had been secured by an unpublicised arrangement between Iraq and the UK , said to involve the unfreezing of part of £621,400,000 ( US$1,100 million ) held by banks in the UK .
18 If for any reason the existing trap on a basin , sink or bath needs replacing , it is best to replace the waste pipe at the same time if it is lead , although traps are available which can be connected to materials other than plastic .
19 A copy must be lodged with the Quotations Department and the Panel at the same time as it is posted to shareholders .
20 ( 4 ) A copy of any circular sent by the board of the offeree company to its shareholders in connection with the tender offer must be lodged with the Panel at the same time as it is posted .
21 Any upgrading of skills in Third World TNC production is liable to be challenged by home-country constituencies , at the same time as it is welcomed by those in the host country .
22 On that occasion , the inspectors ' report was handed to the press at the same time as it was referred to the DPP for possible criminal proceedings .
23 Octopus feed on small crustacea , and Young designed experiments in which the octopus would be shown a large black or white shape — say a cross — at the same time as it was offered a small crab .
24 Erm , I do n't think it 'll ever take off actu , actually , because er you 've got all the traffic all there already and if you 've got say , say you have got Hibs and Hearts you got all the traffic going out there at the same time and it 's gon na be chock-a-block !
25 A portrait of a child by Luis Paret y Alcazar ( 1746–1799 ) which has remained in the same family since it was painted is expected to sell for more than Pta40 million ( £220,000 ; $429,000 ) .
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