Example sentences of "government [unc] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 OUTSPOKEN Dundalk politician Brendan McGahon has backed the British Government 's call for a crackdown on hardened criminals .
2 Within a year there had been a shift in the Government 's attitude towards the Corporation .
3 He said the White Paper failed to indicate the Government 's attitude to the judges ' response to the Green Papers .
4 Mr. Thomas Graham ( Renfrew , West and Inverclyde ) : The new clause offers Scottish people the opportunity to have at least some confidence in the Government 's attitude to the privatisation of the bus service .
5 I said that I believed it would now be right to give some indication of the Government 's attitude to the building of a tunnel .
6 If they were to behave sensibly , the railwaymen could count upon public sympathy , for there is widespread unease about the Government 's attitude to the railways .
7 The moves seemed to mark a major change in the government 's attitude to the conflict .
8 Guided by its recent experience Quit has set as medium term goals adult smoking prevalences of 22% in 1994 and 18% in 1997 compared with the British government 's goal in The Health of the Nation of 20% in 2000 .
9 It means that those shops are no longer viable and we condemn the Government 's inaction on the reform of the Shops Act 1950 .
10 However , the government 's spokesman on the Bill in its passage through the House of Lords , Lord Caithness , tried to give assurances that there was virtually no possibility that a local authority nor its librarians were in danger of falling foul of the Act by simply stocking homosexual material as part of the library service to the public .
11 And opinion polls show the number of voters satisfied with the Government 's management of the country has fallen to its lowest level since November 1990 .
12 First , there is the utter incompetence of the Government 's management of the economy ; secondly , there are its housing policies , described in The Independent as ’ a disaster waiting to happen ’ .
13 But Labour leader John Smith , in another onslaught against the Government 's management of the economy , claimed that the overall trade deficit was ‘ dangerously high ’ .
14 In the West Indies pressures on land had already become intense ; the proprietors were replaced by royal governors , and external danger made the government 's support for the islands essential .
15 His evidence was that he read the report on the night that he received it and was — as others would have been — shocked to find that the parliamentary statements relating to the government 's support for the Nigerians were demonstrably false .
16 Now , given that the government 's support of the idea of Strasbourg as being a permanent place of meeting for the European parliament .
17 Madame Speaker , the Government 's position on the substance of the matter remains unchanged ’ … blah , blah , blah .
18 The government 's position on the structure of higher education was articulated publicly for the first time by Crosland in his famous speech at Woolwich Polytechnic in 1965 , in which he declared the government 's acceptance of the need for a ‘ system based on the twin traditions which have created our present higher institutions ’ .
19 Amnesty International claimed on Nov. 1 that some 800 Yemenis had been detained , tortured and ill-treated by Saudi troops since August " for no apparent reason other than their nationality , or their suspected opposition to the Saudi Arabian government 's position on the Gulf crisis " .
20 I think it right … to explain that Government 's position in the light of that advice …
21 The day was saved by the Government 's willingness for the House to meet , exceptionally , in the mornings until the Committee Stage of the Bill had been completed .
22 The events which led to this began on 30 June 1925 when the coal owners decided that they would abolish the national minimum wage , cut wages by about 10 per cent in order to compensate for the government 's return to the gold standard with a reflated pound , and to maintain standard profits no matter how low wages fell .
23 Nigel Lawson , a former chancellor , suggested that the government 's indecision over the poll tax called into question its ability to govern .
24 With criticism of the government 's handling of the affair mounting , Mitterrand on Feb. 4 called an extraordinary session of parliament .
25 I commend the Government 's handling of the pay review body and their general approach of marrying this policy , which will lead to higher pay for teachers , with a determined critique of the elements of teachers ' performance which need to be discussed and openly and rigorously criticised .
26 Opposition parties , which in August had unsuccessfully tabled a motion of no confidence against the government 's handling of the law and order situation [ see p. 39053 ] , criticized the emergency measures as undemocratic .
27 MPs gathered in the House of Common on Sept. 24 for an emergency debate on the government 's handling of the currency crisis , and voted by 322 to 296 in favour of a motion expressing support for the government 's economic policy .
28 The implied condemnation by Archbishop Runcie of the jingo spirit of the Falklands War , and the open , if confused , critique of the government 's handling of the miners ' strike by the Bishop of Durham , David Jenkins , caused a widening breach between government and the established Church .
29 THE GOVERNMENT 's handling of the Maastricht bill came under fierce attack yesterday when it emerged that the Prime Minister has taken legal advice on whether he could by-pass Parliament .
30 The government 's handling of the disaster , notably its alleged failure to issue warnings prior to the opening of the sluice-gates of the Mangla Dam to prevent flooding the Indus basin in the south , prompted charges of criminal negligence and incompetence by its political critics and sections of the army .
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