Example sentences of "government [unc] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The political instability surrounding the new parliament , created both by the vigour of the DPP 's opposition and the conflicts within the KMT , vitiated the government 's capacity to deal with a range of social and economic problems .
2 This it at once began to use to hamper the government 's efforts to cope with the desperate financial situation .
3 Algeria issued a criticism of Iraq 's " storming " of Kuwait , but the government 's position altered with the entry of US troops into Saudi Arabia .
4 The violence reached a peak in August and September and threatened to disrupt the ANC-government talks , with ANC leaders questioning the government 's willingness to act against the perpetrators of the violence and alleging that members of the security forces were involved .
5 The IMF announced on May 21 that it had agreed to the government 's request to extend for an additional year its current three-year extended arrangement granted in 1989 .
6 The financing of local government is er again circumscribed , local government 's ability to respond to the needs of the community it serves as it and its electors deem appropriate is being curtailed yet again and of course local government is losing its independence to central government and this centralising tendency which this settlement further represents is one of the most pernicious and corrosive characteristics of the modern Conservative party .
7 Pleming said the government 's case rested on the plan to take topsoil from Oxleas Wood to nearby Woodlands Farm and plant trees there .
8 He recognises this for what it is — solid confirmation of the Government 's determination to invest in the defence of our country .
9 Faced with the intense competition of foreign trade competitors , employers resorted to attempts to reduce monetary wages , an action which was given an additional downward twist by the Baldwin government 's decisions to return to the gold standard and to reflate the pound in 1925 .
10 The wartime machinery of industrial relations still survived — particularly the Whitley Councils which had been competitors , employers resorted to attempts to reduce monetary wages , an action which was given an additional downward twist by the Baldwin government 's decisions to return to the gold standard and to reflate the pound in 1925 .
11 Also reaffirmed was a commitment to protect the environment and to the creation of a new regional ecological order , support being expressed for the Costa Rican government 's proposal calling on the UN to establish a Council of the Planet Earth during the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil in 1992 .
12 MP for Harwich , Iain Sproat , feared under the Government 's scheme to sell off the uneconomical service , the rights of BR 's pensioners and current employees would be forfeit .
13 Not the least of our criticisms of the Government 's approach relates to the Cardiff Bay development corporation , which is unelected and unaccountable and has too often been insensitive to the concerns of local communities .
14 It remains an important part of the equation to anticipate the government 's spending needs for a period ahead , customarily a year .
15 The government 's decision to withdraw from the contract was felt to be a major reason behind his departure .
16 The Supreme Court action was taken in response to a petition against the government 's decision submitted by the Bar Association .
17 All of which suggests that the government 's decision to pounce on the PAC was a reaction to threat and counter-threat rather than a conspiracy to undermine Mr de Klerk 's own negotiations .
18 The Government 's caning began at a conference of 230 headmasters from the country 's top public schools .
19 The government 's reaction pivoted on the response of the Prime Minister , James Callaghan .
20 The government 's action coincided with the breakdown of its talks with former leading contras .
21 Does he realise that the real potential danger to the Union of Scotland with Britain lies not with the separatists but with his Government 's refusal to listen to the voice of the people of Scotland ?
22 Ministers were pleased at progress made on the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill through the previous night after the Liberal Democrats had supported the Government 's wish to sit into the small hours .
23 But in the House of Commons , when Mrs Thatcher rose on 6 June to express ‘ revulsion ’ for the massacre , she also restated her government 's intention to proceed with the handover in 1997 .
24 But the Bogomolov kite shows the change since 1956 , when what finally provoked the Russians was the Nagy government 's intention to withdraw from the Warsaw pact .
25 One must doubt whether it was the Israeli ‘ government 's intention to introduce into the West Bank the Israeli norm of democratic elections ’ since the authorities deeply regretted the outcome , and did not repeat the experiment .
26 The appearance of the two documents , and the Government 's intention to legislate upon the proposals they contained , dealt a sideways , but nonetheless mortal , blow to Brooke 's Royal Commission which was simultaneously subjecting the entire penal system to critical review .
27 The government 's solution relies on a sharp switch from long-term capital investment and the defence sector towards food and consumer goods production and improving social services .
28 The Bank of England is , of course , free to respond as it chooses to any such bids or offers but , as well as being concerned to finance the government 's borrowing needs on the best possible terms , the Bank has a publicly-expressed interest in the liquidity of the gilt-edged market .
29 In an interview in the Washington Post of Aug. 21 , Gerashchenko criticized the plans agreed with the IMF and said that some of the government 's statements sounded like a fairy tale .
30 But it is no secret that the Government 's hopes rested on a thumbs down for the DUP and Sinn Fein , both considered formidable obstacles on the road to a political accommodation .
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