Example sentences of "going [prep] be [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So I , if there are going to be changes in French erm France 's relations with its neighbours within the E E C , erm I do n't see that they can be very quick , and I do n't see that they can ultimately be all that large .
2 Now is the right time for something even bigger to happen , and we 're looking to broaden the whole idea of workwear into a promotion of quality , utility clothing : the slogan at PIL is going to be Function as Fashion . ’
3 ‘ There is obviously going to be displacement of people as specialist sites are concentrated , ’ says Ms Brown , adding that it would be necessary to ensure that the right amount of nursing support and training is available as the displacement of nurses takes place .
4 Er I I think I take Mr 's point that er you would n't go to well a mile it 's really going to be horses for courses is n't it ?
5 I 'm not against pamphlets if they 're going to be lines in communication .
6 Right , just , she said she 's going to be head of department , it starts at ten OK , so she 'll be ahead of herself , then as she 'll be responsible for getting staff said she still has n't , got she said , little love
7 I think that is the case , doubly so considering the discussion yesterday where we saw , that whether some of the districts liked it or not there is going to be development in excess of the projected figures in their relevant districts over the plan period .
8 But a financier : when he lays it on the line it 's going to be portraits of presidents cashable in solid US any place on the globe .
9 And it 's ridiculous C for cat so you 'd think it 's going to be C for kitten would n't you .
10 My husband went to er a meeting of the English Speaking Union , whatever that is , and they said there was going to be need for homes for English children .
11 ‘ I knew there was going to be lot of stigma , because it was heroin , ’ she says .
12 ‘ There 's not going to be room for olives soon , ’ Constance told him .
13 That 's going to be hell on earth if you keep dissolving into a mushy heap every time he so much as looks at you . ’
14 Can items for the management team executive committee , I think I have three , erm one is to say that the the title of the total quality programme is going to be improvement through quality , in which case that 's the , that 's the phraseology which we should use from now on , is it like , it 'll actually abbreviate to I Q rather than T Q.
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