Example sentences of "work and the [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Added to this , the problem of teacher absence for in-service work and the difficulty of finding and affording substitutes meant that schools found participation in in-service education increasingly difficult ( Williams 1991:189 ) .
2 Apart from the deadlines created hy husbands ' and children 's needs , she imposes her own time pressures ; these follow from the way she organizes her work and the kind of standards she sets herself .
3 We will probably be asking you some general questions about the Wild Life Park , ie. how many animals there are , how many different kinds etc. , as well as some questions about your own work and the kind of animals you like .
4 By the lights of the Barclay Report ( 1982 ) the CMHTs comprised variations on an interesting model of how to achieve ‘ community social work ’ : they mixed casework , group work and the mobilization of community resources with social care planning activities , but the precise mix varied in each of the teams .
5 Most lay witnesses will expect this in any event and can see why they are necessary , if only to facilitate time off work and the payment of expenses .
6 But Lucy continued to feel uncomfortable , and despite the ease with which they discussed farm work and the moving of sheep and cattle to fresh pastures , she declined dessert and left the table before the others had finished their meal .
7 While it includes a very extensive list of dangerous or insalubrious work conditions for women , the two specific demands of women workers , equal pay for equal work and the provision of nursery facilities , do not receive the same emphasis .
8 Formalization goes beyond the clear documentation of casual status , to include the building up of lists of people who are available for such work and the provision of training for certain skills , particularly higher grade " waiting " skills .
9 I hope that my further work and the work of others around the world will help to clarify the advantages of the fifty millesimal potencies over the centesimal potencies .
10 They might get work in , like construction work and the making of roads and that kind of thing … but how long would that last for and we 'd be left with what , like you do n't know what you would be left with in the end , ’ said Mary Catherine , who concluded ‘ I 'm not one to stop progress by any manner of means but I do n't think gold mining is progress .
11 Much of the time available to the other language tutors appointed had to be spent of the vital tasks of practical translation work and the making of term banks and so on — leaving little time for broader ‘ language awareness ’ issues to be addressed .
12 Hey , in reviewing the nine recommendations by Seebohm relating to the organization of workers and to specialization , concludes that three elements are critical — the kind of work , the branch of work and the level of work .
13 You should establish experience and expertise by reference to the number of years the lawyer has done personal injury work and the type of cases they have handled .
14 Better Schools is more emphatic in its statement that intending teachers should be given ‘ training and practice in classroom skills ’ , and devotes some space to these — the skills of selecting appropriate materials , varying teaching styles to match the nature of the work and the type of pupil , guiding individual pupils , handling written and oral work , cultivating independent learning , using open and closed questions when appropriate , managing diverse opinions on sensitive issues , setting clear objectives , and so on .
15 it looks at the context of family life , ageing , the role of work and the division of labour within the household .
16 His concern is with the impact of technical change on two of the four factors we previously identified as potential sources of job satisfaction , namely social relations at work and the exercise of skill and knowledge .
17 The bullet avoids in this , well very briefly , erm about for half a dozen of them , first of all erm , I 'd like members to be aware of the increasing interest being taken by the Department of Transport in the Ipswich transportation strategy and the Ipswich traffic study before that , the predictions we have from our consultants for the year two thousand and six and particularly their interest in their own trunk road system around Ipswich and the capacity of the Orwell Bridge , so that Department of Transport in Bedford are suddenly come to life to see what 's happening and have requested access to the information we have required from previous investment and consultancy work and the panel of members , the joint panel of members Ipswich , Suffolk recently gave approval to expose for being their findings of our work to the Department of Transport , which I think is a very good move and , and only be of some valuable to us ultimately .
18 As weather , work and the frenzy of city life threaten our sanity , the urge to flee from it all and to hell with the consequences , sweeps over the mind like a tsunami .
19 The plan , however , envisaged the involvement of the private sector in such repair work and the charging of tolls and user fees to help recover the costs .
20 Although individual differences are not the primary concern of this work and the number of subjects is relatively small , it is interesting to see what effects may by present .
21 We have already brought the world of work and the world of school into closer harmony .
22 There was , however , little change in the rigid separation of spheres between the male world of work and the world of home and family experienced by adult women .
23 Much depends upon the type of work and the sort of people employed .
24 If they fail to find work and the Department of Employment considers it to be available , then their benefit would be cut in exactly the same way that men 's benefit is presently reduced or taken away altogether ( DHSS , 1978a , p. 92 ) .
25 ‘ positive attitudes toward themselves , their cultural backgrounds , towards work and the process of community and national development ;
26 Literary texts ( including drama scripts ) , the use of language , responses to the media , pupils ' own written work and the use of information technology might furnish many of the materials and topics for discussion for which planned outcomes , eg in written work or presentations might emerge .
27 The first set of factors are concerned with the content of work and the amount of job satisfaction that an individual receives — the motivation factor .
28 Very little was known about the type of work and the amount of time spent on farm work by the farmer 's wife so the questions in this section were aimed at trying to identify : ( a ) how important her role was ; ( b ) the level of her present skills ; ( c ) whether training could expand her contribution to the farm business ; and ( d ) whether training for the benefit of the farm as a whole could be conducted through women .
29 Do they implicitly reinforce particular views about paid work and the inevitability of unemployment ( the social control model ) ?
30 But the long revolution to share out caring responsibilities , the re-skilling of work and the training of women , and the provision of facilities for finance and marketing of their own products , looks like being a very long one indeed .
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