Example sentences of "too [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Partly this is so as not to contrast too blatantly with the speech patterns of your characters .
2 However , they chose not to use their power to interfere too obviously with the policy decisions of the Labour Party and left Ramsay MacDonald to lead his parliamentary colleagues more or less as he wished .
3 At every major tournament there is a police presence , partly to control the crowds , partly for security reasons since a lot of money is collected at the gate ; and occasionally to deal with spectators who have lingered too long in the beer tents .
4 This was particularly the case after the first oil crisis when the Euro-currency market may have responded too easily to the financing needs of some countries , effectively building up problems for the future .
5 One could not rot peacefully and harmlessly , in such a neighbourhood : the airy seeds of debility would Boat too easily over the garden walls .
6 There was no traffic at that time in the morning ; it was too late for the milkman and too early for the lunch-time pubbers .
7 Recording a verdict of accidental death deputy coroner Andrew Tweddle said evidence showed Mr Still was travelling too quickly for the road conditions .
8 She went down too far , too far into the riding waves of pain , deep under water and drowning .
9 One person commented that when the local MP came to talk to his disability group he told them how good it was that they ‘ got on their own feet and did things ’ — which did n't go down too well with the wheelchair users .
10 Folly shook her head , then realised that the gesture would n't travel too well over the telephone wires and did her best to translate it into words .
11 ‘ You 're not rating too well in the truth stakes , Virginia .
12 The major cause of these accidents is drivers going too fast for the road conditions that exist in our village .
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