Example sentences of "too [adj] to be [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Self-consciously , I shifted the ground to literature , regretting that the emblems of alchemy were now too arcane to be of service to modern writers .
2 As American banks retrench , they will corner almost all the profitable business at home , leaving Europeans and a handful of Japanese banks to fight over deals that are either unprofitable or too risky to be of interest .
3 The RAF were expecting them , and a motorised ack-ack unit had been called in with their Scammells and their diesel generators and their giant mobile searchlights to blaze away with 3.7 inch AA guns at what they tentatively registered as about a dozen Heinkels flying very high , too high to be in danger .
4 Too old to be in uniform , really , so he supposed he should be grateful for the desk job in a small dark room at Admiralty House .
5 Bovril and Oxo do supply a few calories , but too few to be worth counting , and can provide a nice , hot , comforting drink on a dieting evening .
6 In the opposite direction is Tilly Manor in West Harptree , which looks altogether too French to be in north Somerset .
7 seven o'clock , well I thought I 'd come a bit earlier forget that they want a tidy living room , they want to get the toys out of the way , they want to present themselves in the best possible light so they 'd be more forgiving if you 're late than if you 're too early to be on time .
8 Once more I tried to recall what was to happen , as recounted in Mary Shelley 's book , but what little returned was too vague to be of use .
9 That seems too obvious to be worth raising , but it is n't .
10 The planning department found that business units considered the time horizon of the issues to be too long to be of relevance and these issues were therefore considered to be ‘ back of the mind ’ flagging signals and were therefore not acted on .
11 Climber and Hill Walker is only too pleased to be of assistance in bringing the circumstances of Jeremy 's death to public attention — Ed .
12 I 'm only too pleased to be of assistance . ’
13 In short , of the rules and generalisations that could be made about conveying attitudes through intonation , those which are not actually wrong are likely to be too trivial to be worth learning .
14 It was , he felt , just too difficult to be at home at all , with Claudia in a permanently bitchy mood and both his teenage children taking their cue from her and behaving intolerably .
15 The potential net pay of the basinal carbonate unit is too thin to be of interest as a reservoir because the total thickness of the unit in Tønder-2 is only 3 m .
16 Their parents , the authorities and everyone else thought they were too young to be in love , too young to really cope with adult responsibilities .
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