Example sentences of "does [adv] [vb infin] [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The isotherm for CO2 at 321 K shows that the gas does not liquefy whatever the pressure or volume at this temperature .
2 Nevertheless , they all work basically by trying to fit the input into a set of stored templates , and if some input does not fit anything the machine has been given , it simply replies ‘ I do not understand . ’
3 Lord Salmon gave as an example two instances of the valuation of a picture , the first for a client who does not tell him the reason for the valuation , and the second where the client tells him the valuation is needed because he is about to sell the picture to a friend .
4 This gives us , if we know the date of the award ( which is easy to discover ) , the exact date of all the external fences or hedges , but it does not tell us the date of the internal fences on the bigger allotments .
5 The council tax will treat widows unfairly in the same way , because it does not give them the discount that they deserve .
6 In these stories the young characters learn that their greater physical power does not give them the right to treat the little people as playthings or inferiors .
7 When Michel Rocard was replaced by Edith Cresson on 15 May 1991 , his official letter of resignation made it clear that President Mitterrand had asked him to resign , even though the constitution does not give him the right ( the President is responsible for ‘ nominating ’ the Prime Minister and for approving the Cabinet , but not for dismissing him ) .
8 An order for specific performance is one which requires the seller actually to deliver the goods and does not give him the option of paying damages instead .
9 ‘ Her Majesty is paying your bills now , not the State , but that does not give you the right to behave any way you like . ’
10 Your card does not give you the right to overdraw your account .
11 The mixture of an SD1 engine , Range Rover flywheel and exhaust in a Range Rover does not give you the power that you might expect , so be careful when mixing engine components such as flywheels , camshafts , distributor and carbs from different engine applications .
12 While the house in the wife 's sole name with a fixed charge in favour of the husband facilitates the wife 's control of the property , this does not offer her the flexibility to move house that might be incorporated when the house is held by trustees until a specified event ( see Chapter 6 ) .
13 It does not indicate what the velocity will be at the same point at another instant or what it will be at any other geometrically similar point ( i.e. a point at the same distance from the axis ) .
14 JOHN SMITH is preparing to launch the biggest tax assault ever on middle income families while claiming that he does not know what the effect of his tax hike will be on incentives , confidence or on the economy .
15 So instead they hedge their comments and the end result is the person being appraised still does not know what the organization thinks of them .
16 The approach taken here does not afford us the luxury of such explanations : we must seek the reason for the peculiar distribution of the infinitive with perception verbs in the passive voice in the meaning expressed by the sentence .
17 He said yesterday : ‘ It appears that the Secretary of State has been advised that that Yorkhill complex does not have what the act calls ‘ a significant teaching commitment ’ .
18 Since merely knowing the brain state does not reveal what the experience is like , and since what the experience is like , if it is a reality at all ( which Tye does not dispute ) , must be a fact about the experience ( or a feature or aspect of the experience , which will do just as well ) , it follows that the experience is not a brain state .
19 In other words , while the original does not communicate what the speaker wished to communicate , the reformulation does .
20 Whilst you 've suggested everybody else has a right to their opinion and does n't make yours the solution !
21 Saturday you wo n't admit you 've made a mistake or that you 're in the wrong , while Sunday you will be hurt and offended by someone who does n't show you the respect you feel you deserve .
22 That 's one thing here , will get them in and out , but I 've spoken to patients who say they do n't get the care here and , on the surface it looks a brilliant hospital , it gets them in and out , you know , it does everything , it 's got all the facilities but it does n't give them the care .
23 ‘ Philippe does n't give me the impression of being exactly hard up , ’ retorted Melissa , thinking of the designer suits and the new luxury Peugeot in the garage .
24 Just because the guy can drop names we have all heard of and used to know Bruce McLaren does n't give him the right to bore us every week .
25 Still , she thought as she closed the door of the trophy-room , it does n't give him the right to treat me like — She bit off the dreadful word that sprang to mind .
26 He said , but he said it does n't give us the excuse of not paying the invoices on time , and he said erm I have warned him for it this morning and he said he will process it , and he said the cheque will be in the post here on Monday .
27 Does n't give you the size of
28 ‘ That does n't give you the right to make free with me whenever you choose .
29 ‘ Well , even if they are , that does n't give you the right to poke your nose into my affairs ! ’
30 Look , I appreciate the use of the bathroom , but that damn well does n't give you the right to stand there with that superior look on your face , lecturing me as if I were a child . ’
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