Example sentences of "know [pron] [modal v] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I know I would get a bit excited if if I was on T V.
2 Cos I 'm a bit like John , like happy , you know I 'll laugh every time like and he 'll have a joke and that and erm John 's happy , and he 'll laugh .
3 you know I 'll do a copy in braille
4 Well I 'll do a I know I 'll do a Christmas section then , right ?
5 And I thought oh I know I 'll have a look and see if I
6 I welcome the public debate the NCCL is trying to stir up because I know I 'll get the support of the majority who are frustrated and frightened by deteriorating public order .
7 You know I 'd like a little bit more curly and not
8 I know I can do the job but I do n't want to put pressure on the board .
9 In slalom I know I can win every race if I make no mistakes .
10 ‘ I know I can win the championship this year , ’ he says .
11 and then it 'll be all the rates , I know I can get a bit of rebate , but er , I do n't do bad really after having some rebate , but
12 I know I could do the job , but
13 You know I could make a lot more effort than I do .
14 I know I could win the title again and I know that I could do Britain proud .
15 He looked upwards now at the bunting stretched across the girders of the platform , then said , ‘ With a little imagination you know I could dismiss the Coronation and take it that this show of affection was all for my being twenty-one today .
16 I know I should give a month 's notice but I 've got some leave due ; you can take that instead . ’
17 but then , married , married he was one of three boys , and his mother never worked , you know she would keep the house clean , as everything , they must have father about .
18 Other schools ask the children to bring in the name of a senior citizen that they know who would appreciate a gift , by acts such as these the school 's status is again increased in the locality .
19 Elspeth Barker ( Independent on Sunday ) did not agree : ‘ Those who know Angela Carter 's work will need no encouragement to read these stories ( she is the only late 20th-century writer I know who can use an exclamation mark and get away with it ) ; for others they offer a joyous introduction . ’
20 ‘ I do n't really know you , Tsu Ma , but I know this much I know you would defy the world to get what you wanted . ’
21 Know you might feel a bit disappointed .
22 You know you might have a gene which says well you 'll grow to be six foot , but if you 're not fed properly
23 go and help you because I thought you know you might have a natter with him or something
24 But erm , I mean the money 's you know you 'll pay the mortgage on , pay all your debts off and you , once you 've got mortgage is gone that 's it , you have n't got any have you ?
25 It is tempting to get a large capacity sack if you know you 'll have a lot to carry , but bear in mind that it could tempt you to carry too much !
26 And you 'll get things that you know you 'll get an equation just in X then .
27 Erm and , and I think in a way you y you know you may start the exploration and then that may lead you on to do something else , and , and you may spend actually a bit of time before you actually want to start the training .
28 he used an illustration of the pig , you know you can polish the pig up , you can clean it , you can scrub it , you can oh de cologne it , you can do all sorts of things with it , you can tie a nice pink ribbon around it and you can put it in a palace , but it 's still a pig and it lives like a pig and you can cl and no matter how clean you 've made it , it 'll soon find some dirt to wallow in and the ribbon might make it look nice in the show ground but it does n't make any difference to its nature and so it is with us and so Jesus did n't start on the outside , but he starts at the inside he deals with the route of the problem , in One Corinthians chapter fifteen and in verse three it says for I deliver to you as a first importance , this is the basic thing , he says to them this was the first thing that I said to you because it was the most important that Christ died for our sins , according to the scripture , what ever else Christ gives to us , what ever else he does for us , what ever else the gospel produces , the basic , the most important , the fundamental thing is that Christ died for our sins .
29 I think the Labour Party 's heart is in the right place , they want to take a positive approach and do what they can to help industry , to train , to put more money into training youngsters for industry then we have a skill work force , not a cheap , not a cheap unskilled labour force , er , you know , which is what we , what 's happening now , because we 've just not been trained , they 're cutting the training , but it 's all the same , anyway you know , I , I , I do n't know , you say what can I do for ya , well er in the short run not much except to help the , the people who are on lower income and the children through the budget er which will be introduced , it 'll be that why er through er child benefits and through er high , high benefits and through er , er lower taxes for the , everybody up to er twenty odd , twenty five thousand year or something , so , erm I mean that 's in the short run and little that can be done , it 's not as much as anybody would like , you put more and more into , into er , into training , er more money into industry to help them to invest , er you know you can have a sort of regional development banks to help industry to invest these in , in each of the regions , but I mean the , these are the positive plans and not like this one who 's just letting things go .
30 Er and perhaps er you know you can have a role where maybe you 've got ta make decisions and alright you do it .
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