Example sentences of "know [conj] [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 that and so on , erm , erm , I , it would be nice in fact if the er Ipswich evening tabloid which gave us prominence to this rule er would give just a little space to er this latest development , erm but I would like to , not being excessively caracole I mean reading this document I do feel a slight er switch on your comments on er Pipers Vale , er which you note , there are no er nationally er or er common species which sounds as though you have designs on it , erm I , I wonder if this would be the place to ask you , you know , to make some sort of statement about Pipers Vale , you know that we are basically looking for a route which does not touch on Pipers Vale
2 Ethirajulu Krishnan , director for CARE , in Somalia says : ‘ We are trying to deal with all this and still we know that we are only reaching the tip of the iceberg .
3 But I know that they are secretly changing the negatives of the photographs .
4 Or if they are buying a pig in a poke at least they know that they are so doing .
5 Mozart probably played them himself , being a highly competent fiddler : we know that they were also played by the Italian konzertmeister at Salzburg , Antonio Brunetti .
6 JACKEY : Dost know that thou art miserably tricked ?
7 ‘ That 's the whole point — regardless , Miss Everett , that both you and I know that you 're never going to marry him anyway , Travis , who cares deeply for his family , ’ as you do , Leith could well have inserted , ‘ is only going to take it on the chin and let you go , by learning that the person you do love is a member of his family , who loves you in return . ’
8 It was lovely to hear from you and know that you were happily settled .
9 I only know that I was never allowed to sing them at home .
10 Nell dies in mid-winter , far from home ; but we all know that she is homeward bound and will see another and better spring :
11 But when you know that she 's safely tucked up in bed , you come out with a towel around you .
12 Will my hon. Friend give greater and more sympathetic consideration to the question that has just been asked , because those of us who understand cask-conditioned ale — real beer — know that it is extremely damaging for it to be dispensed under pressure ?
13 erm , all I can say is I 'm glad to see that it 's stopped being referred to as women 's troubles , you know and we 're actually bringing it out to the forefront .
14 Anyway I mean hopefully this this will be sort of you know if it 's well publicized it it will be well attended because of the past .
15 you know if you were just keeping your
16 I know but it 's only giving you one
17 Any absences that you 've had erm for sickness full or half pay actually count in full for in these calculations as do erm any maternity leave absence you know providing you were actually receiving pay that 's half pay or more then those absences count as if they have n't actually occurred .
18 erm and I think maybe that you , you jumped in should n't have done that er because obviously M Martin got quite defensive at that point you know because you were only going there to do this financial planning service and er selling them anything , you were just offering this financial planning service and then you jumped in with these , when I come back with my recommendations erm tt I also thought that erm you know it was a little bit dodgy actually to say you , well you know erm tt we have found that our records are incorrect and I thought well then that maybe and erm you went ve you went very o when you were talking about the dependants erm you , you you did n't seem to get into er erm how many children have you got and is there any other dependants , it , you , it seemed to take you a long time to actually get there .
19 So if a teacher actually dies in service you know whilst you are still employed in service er first of all actually be a death grant payable .
20 Paula was just saying he was in there doing , doing the doors , whatever doing the doors meant you know whether he 's actually putting them on or he 's ba is he , is he just putting them straight into the existing
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