Example sentences of "no [noun sg] that he be [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Some observers were surprised that , despite being pressed on the issue , Roh gave no indication that he was preparing to support Kim Young Sam as his successor .
2 It is no wonder that he was elected fellow of the Royal Society in 1756 , three years after the society awarded him the Copley Medal .
3 Springsteen was out but there were tell-tale signs that he 'd been ruling the roost and no evidence that he was pining for my return .
4 The audience was given no hint that he was envisaging the terms as an antithesis , let alone that he was feeling his way towards significant categories of thought , although from various notes from the winter of 1869–70 it is clear that he was now doing just that .
5 James Halden , of course , had no idea that he was helping to support his own daughter .
6 If in battle I see an explosion and my comrade , having lost half a leg , is doubled up in agony , there is no possibility that he is acting or pretending .
7 He stared down at her , studying her in every detail with no pretence that he was doing otherwise .
8 ‘ You sell hand-painted tiles , ’ he pronounced , and this time there could be no doubt that he was stating what he knew to be a fact .
9 There was no doubt that he was thriving at Hillmarden , with Edna and Karen to look after him .
10 With the support of the printed lines , Michael Banks 's performance regained the stature it had shown in the first scene and left no doubt that he was going to add a new excellence to The Hooded Owl .
11 There was no doubt that he was drawn to her ; he would greet her before anyone else in the room , and kiss her , sometimes once , sometimes twice , sometimes cupping her face in his hands .
12 The car spluttered and shuddered , and Piers apologised so glibly on its behalf that she was left in no doubt that he was laughing at her .
13 If she moves forward , there 's no way that he 's gon na get anywhere with her .
14 In cases ( a ) and ( b ) where the thing promised or performed is precisely the thing which the promisor is already bound to do and no more , and there is no dispute that he is bound to do it , there is said to be no consideration or only illusory consideration for the new promise , and it is not enforceable .
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