Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [adv] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 But no , Jessie had to be something else ; Jessie had to be sent to the Secretarial School : no getting her hands sticky from the toffee hammer , breaking up the slabs in the long tins ; no weighing out a ha'p'orth of hundreds and thousands or a penn'orth of sugar baccy ; and as for the weighing out of the real baccy , of hard cut or shag or even serving the best cigars , oh no , oh no , her father was having Jessie do nothing like that .
2 Although it has been seen that early Cubism was in no sense simply a continuation of Cézanne , the paintings of Picasso and Braque of this period represent , in many ways , the culmination of the investigation of form and pictorial space initiated by him thirty years earlier .
3 Such a person would not himself act as a teacher ( though there was no reason why a person with teaching experience might not make , as it were , a sideways step into this area of work ) ; he would not be a " leader of teachers " , and he would certainly not be anything approaching the Head of Resources envisaged in both the Codsall and Evans models mentioned above , with a curriculum development brief .
4 Viljoen was quoted as saying on Radio South Africa on Feb. 5 that there was no reason why a deadline of April 30 for the release of political detainees and the return of exiles could not be met .
5 There is no reason why a change of context should restore α but given that a novel context is likely to be arousing , some increase in the likelihood of the OR might occur .
6 As long as you 're careful , there 's no reason why a laze in the sun should n't be just what the doctor ordered !
7 Apart from the restraint of trade considerations there would seem to be no reason why a contract under which one person undertakes to keep silent on a particular subject should not be enforceable in accordance with its terms .
8 Of course , there is no reason why a book on speech act theory should discuss alternative approaches at all .
9 There is no reason why a professor of history , say , should not also manage a family business if he has the time and energy .
10 I 've no idea why a lot of things have happened . ’
11 This is no doubt partly a reflection of the way in which people with bank accounts do have a wider range of credit options open to them than people without .
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