Example sentences of "no [noun sg] [prep] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 I think the sorry , Bill , the erm confusion arises because we 're talking about warranties and insurance and most people buying a car , getting extended insurance or one of these insurance schemes , will assume it 's warranty , but there 's no protection for somebody issuing a warranty going out of business .
2 Of course Mozambique would prefer to provide its students with pocket calculators , but there is no money with which to import the calculators .
3 There is no provision for it to order a payment on account of costs .
4 " For I find I have no heart in me to become the princess 's lady-in-waiting . "
5 As far as I knew he 'd always been on the level , and certainly there was no harm in his treating the Fraser girl after the shock she 'd presumably had .
6 The difference in this case is that , given the character points in fig 1.2ii there is no indication about which sequence the points were created in .
7 The worms can only live in compostable material so there 's no fear of them making a bid for freedom and eating their way through the vegetable patch .
8 So , but , but basically the answer to your question is , if we were n't asked then there 's no requirement for us to give the information .
9 It is a defence for a person charged with ‘ Being in Charge ’ to prove that at the time he is alleged to have committed the offence the circumstances were such that there was no likelihood of his driving the vehicle whilst the proportion of alcohol in his breath , blood or urine remained likely to exceed the prescribed limit ; but in determining whether there was such a likelihood the court may disregard any injury to him and any damage to the vehicle .
10 Officials refused to discuss his itinerary and , most unusually for such a senior member of the Royal Family , it was indicated that there was no plan for him to meet the public .
11 There was no question of him hearing the noise in the stillness of the waxworks .
12 There was no question of his accepting the new situation .
13 There was no question of his approaching the father directly as a man such as Huy would not be allowed into the palace compound ; but Taheb was a rich businesswoman , and if she did not have any personal knowledge of the family , she would have contacts who would .
14 There was no question of his denying the legitimacy of the role of Congress as Nixon had done .
15 ‘ There is no question of us condemning a referee here .
16 Last week Hurd was at his most coy when he said : ‘ There is no question of our ratifying a treaty other than the one we negotiated . ’
17 The gift of Lord Tebbit 's manic utterances last Wednesday ( perhaps always a risk when one chooses to dine upstairs in the press gallery ) was thrown away by the decision to set Douglas Hurd up to advise ( a ) that the passage of Amendment 27 would wreck the treaty and ( b ) that for HMG ‘ there is no question of our ratifying a treaty other than the one we negotiated ’ .
18 They tend to be kind and wish to give the candidates as much help as they can , although there is no compulsion on them to cover every detail of the syllabus .
19 If there were no refractoriness ( no failures to experience X when trying to have an X-experience ) there could be no basis on which to draw a distinction between appearance and reality , and without this distinction there can be no possibility of thinking about reality .
20 No point in me havin' a try .
21 If he 'd cancelled the meeting , there 'd be no point in me spending the petrol biking out there , would there ?
22 There 's no point in us spending a horrendous amount of money on the site if we 've no control over it . ’
23 It is as if the discovery could have no meaning for anyone experiencing the novel — which would certainly be curious .
24 The Lautro Rules give no right to anyone to make a representation before an intervention decision is made .
25 Police say they have no record of her entering the country .
26 No need for him to see the balance sheet . ’
27 There was no need for him to use the overdraft .
28 This may be a simple oversight on the part of the authors of the pamphlet , or it may reflect the thought that since those who attend these colleges would have committed themselves to staying at them until they were 18 ( and such a commitment would be a condition of entry ) , there would be no need for them to take a ‘ school-leaving ’ examination at 16+ .
29 If polar bears are dominant in the Arctic , then there would seem to have been no need for them to evolve a white-coloured form of camouflage .
30 Their critics said there was no need for them to break the law ; they made it .
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