Example sentences of "more [adj] [coord] it [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And I think when we talk in terms in getting around to spending the money we have got then we need to look quite clearly about how you make a place more inviting and it 's also about when people come into the building how they 're met what the receptionists like , when they ring up can they get through and I mean I 'm I 'm surprised that 's said about the tickets that I think that our reception ticket areas an excellent area the people working there are first class are very friendly very helpful so it 's trying to get that sort of concept through the building I thin k we work on that I think the building 's kept very clean people who clean the building are very good but I hear what you 're saying and I thinks it 's been said earlier by the lady here by the foyer downstairs she feels threatened when she goes into that bar because I think the whole decor and the way it is is a threatening place I think we need to look at those so that was an old and .
2 Problems of taste can also arise on the selection of music backgrounds for scenes of domestic life because the mood to be reinforced is more personal and it is all too easy to lapse into embarrassing banality .
3 13 1775 & that Body is vastly improv 'd the longer it is kept & the little remains of fat shine a little more thro' & it is now very much the colour of Indian Copper , i.e. it is very near the colour of finished work 'd mahogany & is really a beautiful mass , the Legs are now perfectly dry and from the Beginning to the end there is nothing of putrefaction .
4 Existing management structures and knowledge bases are on the one hand inappropriate , and on the other largely inadequate , for this task and these inadequacies are very serious constraints ; of the two , the lack of adequate knowledge bases for evaluation in a process sense is probably more important but it is also the point at which the greatest development could take place .
5 The issue is far more complicated and it is only fair to note that we have not reached a stage of knowledge when we can easily say what explains the status of women among the different peoples of the world .
6 He says things have been getting more busy but it 's still not as busy as it was last year .
7 However , the publishing business has recently become more competitive and it is now possible for songwriters to restrict the length of the assignment of copyright to what is known as a ‘ retention period ’ .
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