Example sentences of "than [pron] [is] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Under a differentiated strategy , one is not necessarily under less persistent pressure to improve than one is under a cost-leadership strategy .
2 There is not the freedom of movement there is with the network system but there is far less deadweight of support staff than there is with the pyramid or layer system .
3 There is no more evidence for the use of pattern books as regulators of design than there is for the existence of central workshops servicing definable territories .
4 There is no question of any political party policy for AIB , to be implemented by a minister , any more than there is for the judiciary .
5 This is not a consideration which applies to other factors of production : there is far less concern about the proportion of a country 's capital stock which is lying idle than there is about the proportion of the labour force which is unemployed .
6 However , there is even less agreement among linguists about how to apply semantics than there is about the use of syntax .
7 Since ESS 's arise from a dynamics , there is no assumption of rationality any more than there is in the case of kin selection .
8 The implication of this is that there is more scope for innovation and change in Europe than there is in the UK .
9 If the elderly relative is your own mother , frank discussion of problems is usually ( but not always ) easier than it is with an in-law .
10 ‘ Staff morale is higher than it is on the NHS .
11 But the major problem is that the sites which we have at the present moment are not controlled , and if we could get proper sites , properly managed , I think you would find that the whole erm picture of a gipsy site in an area would be much better received by the public than it is at the present .
12 Further , discomfort is much more prevalent at the base of an organization than it is at the top , both physically and psychologically .
13 And irrationality is , 1 would argue , more firmly at the centre of Western , Christian , culture than it is at the centre of Islam .
14 Barbed wire might well become more common than it is at the moment .
15 The result is bound to be that it will be far harder to acquire convictions in these cases than it is at the moment .
16 It should complement the Bishop 's Park which by then , it is hoped , will be kept in a better state than it is at the moment .
17 I must check those feelings which are the expression of physical instinct craving for satisfaction , but God knows celibacy is as painful to women ( even from the physical standpoint ) as it is to men — could not be more painful than it is to a woman .
18 Indeed the detailed , cautious , inconclusive report of the commission is probably now of more interest to outsiders like me than it is to the Kenyans .
19 What this all adds up to is that the coding of give/take relationship in fields quite remote from private domestic affairs is much closer to what the members of modern capitalist societies assume to be appropriate only for the restricted context of the domestic household than it is to the coding of power relationships within the wider context of the market economy which I was discussing earlier .
20 Indeed , it remains a possibility that the mosaics of Gaul influenced the development of pavements in Britain : this is even more applicable to the pavements with type C and B arrangements than it is to the Orpheus mosaics and their associated geometric panels .
21 ‘ No more unlikely , surely , for a girl from Darlington than it is for a boy from the East End of London ? ’
22 In fact social life in the evenings will be easier in every way for him to find than it is for a widow , who can not go out alone at night without some feeling of apprehension , and who would generally anyway feel out of place sitting on her own in a saloon bar .
23 It is easier for us to do this than it is for the English or Americans . ’
24 Altering the diet is also far more risky for a child than it is for an adult , so there are more difficult decisions to be made before embarking on an elimination diet .
25 People often say that a certain noise gets louder at night , even though its measured level does not alter ; this is because , at night , the level of the background noise is generally lower than it is during the day , During the recession , people near once noisy factories started to appreciate the quiet .
26 Difficult to do when it 's in a real life situation believe me it 's harder to do in a real life situation than it is in a situation we 've got
27 The case for fair voting for all elections , to bring together communities and encourage cooperation , and for a Bill of Rights to protect individuals , is even more pressing in Northern Ireland than it is in the rest of the UK .
28 Many people living today , in the advanced industrial societies at least , can not imagine that anything in the past was better than it is in the present .
29 The concentration of salts in the blood of fresh-water fish is much higher than it is in the water surrounding them .
30 The CFI at Nelson , Jenny Frame ( the only lady aero club CFI I met during my trip , though the proportion of female instructors and pilots seems much higher in New Zealand than it is in the UK ) told me that although this state of affairs was unusual , a great deal of their flying did normally comprise scenic flights for tourists .
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