Example sentences of "more [adj] [noun] of [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When a respondent , in reply to the ‘ who am I ? ’ question of the Twenty Statements Test writes ‘ I am a man ’ , ‘ I am a student ’ … it is reasonable to believe that we have far more solid knowledge of the attitudes which organize and direct his behaviour than if , on a checklist and among other questions , we had asked ‘ do you think of yourself as a man ? ’
2 Indeed an even more striking feature of the results was that the individuals examined were especially high on a measure of ‘ ego strength ’ , indicating a greater than average resistance to mental breakdown : the finding is particularly interesting because the latter is usually very low in subjects who deviate markedly on the clinical scales of tests like the MMPI .
3 Too late I thought of adding , ‘ On oath , my lord ? ’ , for I have never seen a more striking example of the perils of what the law calls ‘ fleeting identification ’ , and this from a witness to whom I was not a total stranger and who himself , both as counsel and judge , had had long experience in assessing the worth of ID witnesses in court .
4 The aim of the new Flight gallery was to provide a more cohesive view of the advances in aviation and to make the whole presentation more accessible to the public .
5 It is also possible to make more subtle combinations of the oscillations in the x and y directions in which the components are " out of phase " , their crests occurring at different instants .
6 I sat up for the next few nights , my head poking out of the back skylight of the loft , my ears straining for the tinkle of glass breaking or muffled curses , or the more usual signal of the birds being disturbed and taking flight , but nothing more happened .
7 Quite apart from the contribution flight recorders make towards air safety as a result of the more complete knowledge of the causes of accidents which they provide , there is an additional psychological benefit that should not be overlooked .
8 In these areas 20 per cent of the farms sampled indulged in farm tourism , but most farmers saw it as a supplement rather than as an alternative to farm income , although Davies argued that it could be a much more profitable use of the farms ' resources .
9 More extensive reviews of the results of tests on this data base can be found in McNamee ( 1985 ) , Abell and Hammond ( 1979 ) , and Buzzell and Gale ( 1987 ) .
10 That my parents were continually making anti-Catholic remarks and pouring scorn on some of the more devotional pronouncements of the nuns did not help matters .
11 Combining paracetamol with methionine , as Bray suggests , may not be the answer , but surely the manufacturers of paracetamol should take a more responsible attitude by at least placing a more specific warning of the effects of overdose on the packaging .
12 A more telling criticism of the results we have derived from the rational expectations aggregate demand-supply model concerns their reliance on extremely simple specifications of the aggregate supply and demand curves .
13 The district benefited from the fact that it had comparative information on performance from a large range of providers which enabled them to take a more detached view of the strengths and weaknesses of its own unit , even though it also increased the complexity of contracting .
14 The battle between graziers and agriculturists continued up to modern times , but in less dramatic wrangles between village councils , which preferred cultivators , and the larger owners who favoured the more reliable rents of the cattle and sheep men .
15 In so far as Charles III 's reforms encouraged local prosperity — as they did in the newly created Viceroyalty of Buenos Aires — they gave the societies of Latin America a more lively sense of the inconveniences of the Spanish connexion .
16 This could be improved by more detailed consideration of the processes of error propagation inherent in digitizing procedures .
17 Today , police issued a more detailed description of the attackers .
18 It is difficult , however , to give an indication of the costs without a more detailed knowledge of the matters to be covered by the report .
19 Balancing the dissemination of personnel skills and techniques will be the need for personnel professionals to develop a more detailed awareness of the needs , activities and challenges facing all parts of the organisation .
20 On 6 February 1945 Himmler 's deputy , Berger , reported that on 30 January all the men commanded by Domanov had enthusiastically sworn loyalty to Hitler ( for a more detailed record of the Cossacks ' relations with Himmler , see Appendix II ) .
21 For a child with long-term language difficulties , an appropriate interpretation might be that the LAD is damaged in some way but , without a more detailed analysis of the processes at work and how they contribute to language performance , implications for intervention which stem directly from this theoretical position remain elusive .
22 Another important task for IMDEC was to prepare a more detailed account of the effects of the explosion in order to request emergency aid .
23 The discussion in this section has moved from the consideration of the composition of Parliament , and the nature of the relationship of government to Parliament , to a more detailed account of the agencies concerned with policy making .
24 The rest of this chapter and the following chapter provide a more detailed account of the processes which are involved in a child 's mastery of language from the perspective of learning theory , the acquisition of abstract rules and developmental change .
25 Before this trial took place , " The Independent " came into possession of the manuscript of " spycatcher " and published a much more detailed account of the books 's contents .
26 A more detailed account of the methods used to implement the Survey is given in the Appendix .
27 The process represented a refined and more detailed application of the principles of environmentalism .
28 What does a more detailed examination of the proposals in Working for patients and the accompanying working papers reveal ?
29 A much more detailed review of the results will be available in the Annual Report and Accounts published in June .
30 Beyond these generalizations , the more detailed study of the factors influencing the way that policy is made needs to take various considerations into account .
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