Example sentences of "about [pron] [coord] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These have something of the character and purpose of propaganda about them and they therefore need cautious exegesis , but they at least manifest the king 's view of his subjects ' expectations and in doing so reveal the model to which he felt he should conform .
2 And there 's loads of people round about me and I just went wurgh !
3 So if you if you get them talking about something and they actually get talking about it
4 ‘ I never heard him say an unkind thing about anybody and I never heard anybody say an unkind thing about him . ’
5 In a way I think so , I mean if were quite honest about it but we also see ourselves mirrored in whoever we love we see ourselves mirrored in their eyes which is a very comfortable sort of feeling .
6 ‘ There have been constant jokes about it but we quite like it because every time our names are called out we see a row of smiling faces .
7 Occasion ally they were vaguely sad about it but they never considered adopting .
8 and she goes why , I goes well every time I got , when I went out the other night and when I come in the other night there was Helena with her arms round Andrew , so it 's not that I , I 'm worried about it but I just think it 's a bit tarty of her cos she 's fancies the pants off Pete and as soon as my back 's turned and Pete is n't there she 's all over Andrew .
9 She said but I 'm not gon na do anything about it but I just think he 's nice .
10 its really cold , yeah oh that was good , I enjoyed that she 's still there , she 's a Lance Corporal now as well and I must admit well I , I did n't think she 'd ev , she was always crying but I never thought she 'd actually do very well in the T A , did n't seem to have the get up and go about it but she obviously sorted herself out and got , Spambo Man they called me .
11 The house was so run down that even Anna could n't afford to do anything about it and she never liked it much .
12 I told Dali about it and he simply chuckled .
13 And then I began to become very worried about it and it just happened by chance that one Friday morning I heard a programme on Radio Brighton , and it was Doctor Wisbey speaking about dyslexia , and it dawned on me immediately that my son was dyslexia .
14 It 's just that I have n't had time to think about it and I only thought that with all those shepherds in the area there was bound to be some traffic in illegally slaughtered lamb .
15 And then something ha no that is completely in your mind because I 'm rude to people all the time and I 've never even thought about it and I still do things and I do n't , you know , it does n't even cross my mind .
16 ‘ The English press wrote this stuff about us and it nearly broke up his marriage , ’ he said .
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