Example sentences of "my [noun sg] [was/were] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I thought I detected a faint smile on his lips , but I did not smile back because my heart was in a turmoil .
2 My story was about a girl who finds a bedraggled kitten who is really a king .
3 My story was of a murder taking place in a boys ' preparatory boarding school ( " looking-back book " in miniature , in fact ) with the victim being a pet bird .
4 My driver was under the impression that I had instructed him to break the world land-speed record .
5 I 'm sitting there , my foot was near the toilet , all you see was this big claws come out digging into my toe there 's me aargh ! you stupid She 's mad !
6 There 'd be just us two , see cos all the others they was out , my sister was on the round
7 My basement was like a swimming pool .
8 My jaw was on the carriage floor the first time I took the train to Mallaig .
9 My apprenticeship was in a shop for a year working and adapting and changing and getting an understanding of it all .
10 Ecstatic scenes greeted Gordon Richards as Pinza was led to the unsaddling enclosure , and although to some he seemed oddly unmoved , he wrote subsequently that ‘ my mind was in a turmoil , and my brain perhaps a little numbed … the reception which the crowd gave me was something out of this world . ’
11 My mind was in a turmoil , and my brain perhaps a little numbed .
12 After appel I collected some books from my locker — my locker was in a comer and there was always a pile of block rubbish in front of it so that it was a business to open and shut the door — and went out towards the library .
13 My car was in the air , flying …
14 My cell was on the ground floor — slightly below the level of the ground , in fact , so that the window had afforded me , on occasion , a view of a warder 's waist , belt , keys , and truncheon , as he marched by .
15 My body was in the dining-room .
16 My peg was on a gravel point , it looked perfect for the stick float but as I was fishing for a good weight I opted to start on the feeder .
17 Mm , I came to Harlow with my parents , when my husband was in the Air Force
18 My back was to the wind which whistled coldly in the wire frame of my spectacles and cracked the loose folds of my robe .
19 I learned to use humour against violence ; when my back was against the wall and the bullies were bearing down , some inner voice would lash out with wit enough to take the wind from the sails of my antagonists .
20 I hit the door handle and did a dip and shuffle so that my head was below the knife slash arc and made an undignified but unscathed exit , taking the keys with me .
21 My name was on the label .
22 COCOA CHANEL : ’ Wish my name was on the label , darling ’ !
23 My wife was of no service at all in the crisis and I could only look up at her reproachfully as she leaned against the doorpost dabbing at her eyes .
24 My wife was in the bathroom . ’
25 My flat was under an inch of water and I had to move things upstairs .
26 That time my father was on the deck giving a dramatic blow by blow account of Dunkirk , which was overheard by a family from Stoke-on-Trent who promptly dived for their life jackets .
27 Later , we learned my father was on the plane .
28 ‘ When my father was at the camp at Spittal , another Ukrainian looked after him .
29 My father was in a camp at the end of the war , ’ Lucy said .
30 My father was in the army , we were living in the country , and she stayed and worked in London .
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