Example sentences of "my [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 You came without warning and without asking my permission and sat with her at the back of the lecture theatre , exchanging glances and comments .
2 I do like she says , and sit there with the damp towel round my neck and wait for her to come back .
3 As he turned his attention to a woman who was fumbling with her purse , I ducked my head and squeezed behind her through the door and into the crowded bus .
4 She was delighted to see me , as it meant she would not have to go on her own , and she stood over me while , complaining bitterly , I changed into my jacket and returned with her to the revels .
5 ‘ You heard me losing my temper and yelling at her .
6 I either leave her with someone that she likes and trusts , or ask someone to stay at my house and look after her .
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