Example sentences of "two [noun pl] [coord] [pron] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We pulled back two goals and they were kicking the ball anywhere to keep us out . ’
2 The first time I wore this , I 'd had it for about two months and I was talking to Princess Margaret , but as we spoke , I could see she was following my hand with her eyes .
3 well mines the first two weeks and I 'm keeping them off those two days that they 're supposed to be at school
4 We 're here for two days and I 'm going to present to what to some of you will be some new ideas some new concepts that you 've perhaps never come across before .
5 But he was not discontented now : we had been in Fe– two days and he was airing his local knowledge to impress Flora , who had just arrived .
6 I have got two children and I 'm hoping to go to college when my youngest daughter is three cos I ca n't get her , ca n't go until she is three cos the creche wo n't take them until they 're out of nappies and three year old .
7 Nigel Scott , deputy general manager of the UCI cinema in Bracknell , Berks , said : ‘ We 've got it on two screens and we 're having to turn people away .
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