Example sentences of "two [noun pl] [adv] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Tri-star jet was two hours late on take-off from Heathrow , and then had to abort on the runway at lift-off point due to a sudden failure of one of the engines .
2 They taught four and two hours respectively on Language in Education out of 130 and 37 hours respectively of methods work .
3 We find a simple splitting into two states only for molecules in which there is a single halogen atom , lying on an axis of at least 3-fold symmetry .
4 Two goals just after half-time by Sean McLoughlin and the exciting Ciaran McBride effectively demolished the Monaghan challenge .
5 A good fight back for Witney today in the southern division of the Beezer Homes League ; they were two goals down at home to Yate Town , but the match finished Witney two , Yate Town two , our reporter , Adrian Burcher .
6 The equivalent of selling snow to eskimos must be the British selling ski slopes to the Swedish , but it happened two months ago at Ullna outside Stockholm .
7 The Association of Printing Employers ( APEP ) on Feb. 20 asked for the release of N'Sasse Ramazani , a regional director of the journal Elima , imprisoned two weeks previously for contempt of court , having written an article against corruption .
8 It began two weeks ago with revelations about the tax arrangements of Mr Birt , who was employed as a freelance consultant via his own firm in the £140,000-a-year job .
9 Girls are approximately two years ahead of boys in their development but there is a wide range in what is a normal age for a girl to reach puberty .
10 In West Oxfordshire three out of four poll tax rebels lost their seats … they were among eighteen conservatives who resigned the party whip two years ago in protest at the poll tax .
11 The more chauvinistic among us might place the marker in the calendar for 4th August of the same year when Great Britain entered the war against the central powers , or two years later at dawn on the 1st July 1916 , when the opening of the Battle of the Somme destroyed the lives or the illusions of a generation of British youth .
12 The liberty was restored two years later in recognition of Geoffrey 's service in Wales .
13 Responding to criticism from other political parties in his coalition government , Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti stressed that the two men , Mohammed Issa Abbas and Youssouf Ahmed Saad , had secured release about two years early as part of a general amnesty programme ; it was " fantasy " , he said , to suggest that their freeing only two weeks before the outbreak of hostilities in the Gulf was aimed at protecting Italy from terrorist attacks .
14 Linguistically , the text presented no challenge , as he allowed himself to be guided by the two translations already in use in the Anglican liturgy , those of the Book of Common prayer psalter , and the Authorised Version of the Bible .
15 Not just the basic elements but let's put one or two things down on paper for yourselves .
16 After a bitter debate between the rival proponents of cold baths and of condoms , and with the equivalent of two divisions out of action with venereal disease by 1917 , the government eventually had to authorize the issue of condoms to the troops ( Winter 1985 ) .
17 The castle was the creation of two men hopelessly in love with the Middle Ages , the fabulously wealthy Lord Bute and his architect , the ‘ eccentric genius ’ , William Burges .
18 ‘ Now , hold your two hands forward in front of you like this , as if you were going to dive .
19 BANGOR moved two points closer to promotion to Senior I with a victory over Down in Downpatrick .
20 Air pollution and waste disposal were the two issues most in need of further legislation , according to the research .
21 ‘ Is n't it enough to have two women madly in love with you already ?
22 His passenger helped pull him out and then carried him two miles away across fields from the accident scene .
23 Ironically the incident comes on the same day a new motor project for youngsters was launched two miles away in Horspath by motor racing star …
24 Spare a diversion here for the village of Itxassou , two miles upstream from Cambo along the Nive .
25 Admittedly there was more than a hint of urban overcrowding two doors away from William at no. 21 , where a glove cutter , a walnut-veneer repairer and a book finisher were living with their families — but that was exceptional .
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