Example sentences of "two [adv] different [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some light is perhaps shed on the problem by the most recent psychological researches on memory , which have identified two rather different kinds of memory — ‘ explicit ’ memory , which amounts to relatively detailed recall of a set of stimuli ; and ‘ implicit ’ memory , which is distinctly short of detail , but enables people , in effect , to ‘ know I 've seen it before somewhere ’ .
2 That is , we have two rather different kinds of plurality to deal with : Fig4.4 ( A ) PLURALITY OF ( B ) PLURALITY OF CODING LEVELS FUNCTIONS Textual Now , there is no one-to-one correspondence between levels and functions ( although we shall find , in Chapters 6 and 7 , some strong associations between them ) .
3 Thus we see in sociology two strikingly different analyses of crimes of violence against women : one in which they are the infrequent consequence of a few mentally deranged men ( which is supported by the low incidence of such crimes in the criminal statistics ) ; and one in which they are an institutionalized set of practices which are part of an overarching system of gender inequality ( in which the low number of convictions for such crimes is merely evidence of the state 's collusion ) .
4 However , once this is conceded the basis of Oakeshott 's theory is challenged since he views these two forms of association as categorially distinct moral conditions and as shaping two wholly different manners of government and two profoundly different characters of human identity .
5 At stake was not the resolution of a desperate national emergency , but a choice between two fundamentally different concepts of democracy , the outcome of which was bound to affect the trajectory of French politics for years to come .
6 The organization of the new regiment was somewhat confused as there were two totally different tables of establishment .
7 These are two totally different ways of life , each with its own rewards .
8 Rather than treating holism and individualism as exemplifying two qualitatively different types of explanation — the causal and non-causal , lawlike and non-lawlike — they are more accurately conceived as concerned with the relative priority of two kinds of causal factor in the explanation of social phenomena .
9 Unless one supposes there to be two categorially different kinds of appearances presented to the mind it will then seem that this flat circle must be the only object of visual perception , and the round globe I seem to see , the epistemic appearance , must really be a judgement I mistake for a sensation .
10 Normally , two slightly different forms of globin are present in each haemoglobin molecule , and are designated α and β globin .
11 The debate on the ‘ Internal Market ’ has embraced two radically different types of system , both of which exist in minor forms at present and both of which feature in the proposals in the White Paper , Working for Patients .
12 The editor of ‘ Wisden ’ deplores the emergence of two radically different kinds of cricket .
13 If we end up with two radically different versions of PostScript then we face real and serious problems
14 And if this is so we get the delightful result that instead of there being at least two radically different sorts of things in the world , sensory states and material objects , there is only one sort of thing , sensory states , and all putatively other sorts of thing are reducible to complexes of actual and possible things of the first sort .
15 In the Triassic Period , 225 to 190 million years ago , before the age of dinosaurs , the predominant groups of herbivorous land animals belonged to two quite different groups of reptiles : the synapsids , or mammal-like reptiles ; and the rhynchosaurs .
16 No insects and no fish have so far been found to use sonar , but two quite different groups of fish , one in South America and one in Africa , have developed a somewhat similar navigation system , which appears to be just about as sophisticated and which can be seen as a related , but different , solution to the same problem .
17 However , it is clear that a mistake can relate to two quite different types of circumstance , namely circumstances qualified by mens rea and circumstances not qualified by mens rea .
18 What is generally called a ‘ kinship system ’ comprises two quite different orders of reality … .
19 The theologian , Donald Baillie , used to give the example of two quite different kinds of maps — one showing hemispheres and the other straight .
20 I can conceive of such a response coming from two quite different kinds of reader .
21 In short , an essential step in the evolution of all the life forms that now exist on Earth , was the co-operation of two quite different kinds of molecule : nucleic acids based on nucleotides , and proteins consisting of amino acids .
22 The Fifties saw two quite different examples of femininity held up for admiration .
23 These two levels of classification exhibit two quite different sorts of clustering .
24 There are two quite different sorts of manager in Hanson , argues the study , written soon after the firm bought the Imperial Group in 1986 .
25 And the coalition itself would become ‘ an organism made up of two genetically different kinds of tissue ’ which , since they were fundamentally incompatible , would certainly reject each other during the lifetime of a single Parliament .
26 There are two completely different systems of speed control on wire launches .
27 Cizek says : " Child Art and Adult Art are two completely different forms of expression , and no adult can show a child how to draw because of this important difference . "
28 The English criminal justice system is unique in conferring the power to pass sentence on two completely different sets of sentencers who contrast not only in the powers at their disposal , but also in their social background .
29 ‘ Maybe not , but they both loved , and greatly loved , two absolutely different types of women .
30 He was generally dismissive of the idea that the two could merge because , he said , they existed to serve the interests of two very different sets of shareholders .
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