Example sentences of "him as [pron] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ross — I do wish that … ’ she began , hoping even at this last moment for some word , some sign that the scorching , torrid passion that had exploded between them in the Hamptons had meant as much to him as it had to her .
2 What distinguishes W. from them , and what with all respect I do not think that Thorpe J. took sufficiently into account ( perhaps because the point did not emerge as clearly before him as it did before us ) , is that it is a feature of anorexia nervosa that it is capable of destroying the ability to make an informed choice .
3 ‘ No , ’ Ruth told him as she limped towards him .
4 you to do is er give me his telephone number so that I er contact him , offer the same service to him as I have to you .
5 She grappled with him as he pressed against her , pushing him away and urging him on .
6 His forehead was ripped dark in the starlight but his cheekbones still gleamed ( an image superimposed : the sunset slanting over him as he grinned at her in the freighter ) the way she remembered .
7 She turned her head , saw him tether his horse at the edge of the wood , watched him as he walked towards her .
8 A fever grew inside him as he gazed on her .
9 The warrant officer was speechless , but not for long and he thundered at him as he had on me a few minutes before .
10 Alarmed , she fumbled with her right hand for her blanket , breathing erratically , staring up at him as he loomed over her .
11 ‘ Oh , very much so , ’ Rachel said sweetly , hating him as he towered over her , opening the rear door of the car for her .
12 Ian is obviously a deeply spiritual person and I for one am NOT going to take the piss out of him as he recounts to us his close encounter with ‘ them ’ .
13 But he did n't even wait to hear her protests that she was all right , and came back a minute later with two hospital pillows which he arranged for her , and she thought the faintly male , musky and intensely sensual smell of him as he bent over her was making her more faint than loss of blood .
14 Sometimes Gabriel 's ghost was so physical , so vivid , that Lee would almost cry out to Larry to warn him as he moved through it between the kitchen and the living-room or walked over it as Gabriel lay on the carpet in front of the television .
15 Their hands lay laced together on the chair arm , but Lisa did not look at him as he put to her , ‘ Of course you have to think of Emily , but surely there must be a couple of men out there who are capable of being a good father to your daughter ? ’
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