Example sentences of "him [coord] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And she brushed past him and continued down the road until she came to a place where two paths crossed and there was a little clearing .
2 She dodged around him and ran into the road as he made a grab for her .
3 If that was so , Doyle won , because the Woman suddenly crossed the room , pushed past him and ran down the stairs .
4 She was waiting for him and ran across the entrance court to meet him .
5 With one last blinding cry of pain she brushed past him and ran from the room .
6 As he moved his way down on to the beach , he clumsily knocked the stones and the girls saw him and rushed to the rocks where they picked up not clothes , but sealskins which they wrapped around their bodies and then dived back into the sea .
7 Anne introduced John and when Eileen moved away , Anne said goodbye to him and walked up the road with her sister , wheeling her bicycle .
8 Abruptly she turned away from him and walked into the apartment 's lounge , not consciously knowing why she did so , but driven by a need to get away from this man and the harshness of his condemnation , which should n't matter to her , because he did n't matter , but which nevertheless called up a churning confusion of resentment and frustration , as well as a new , unnerving hurt .
9 And she 'd never want to , she reminded herself resolutely as she turned her back on him and walked towards the house , acutely conscious of his eyes following her every step .
10 She abused him and walked round the room .
11 ‘ Leo ! ’ she yelled in exasperation , dashed after him and skidded to a halt as he stopped abruptly and turned .
12 Willie Noolan gave him a distant wave ; Ted Morgan did an almost military about-turn when he spotted him and disappeared through the door ; even Jacko Roberts seemed to consider his offer of a drink with more sardonic suspicion than usual .
13 He took the seat to which Carson had gestured him and glanced at the message slip .
14 Scott looked up at him and motioned towards the policeman .
15 Robyn looked at him and flirted with the idea of telling him where to get off .
16 She turned her back on him and stared through the window .
17 I lay in the bed beside him and stared at the ceiling .
18 Ken suddenly left him and went into a doorway of Hamleys , the big toy shop .
19 He wiped his hand on the cloth his Dad gave him and went into the living-room .
20 ‘ Good night , Superintendent , ’ I told him and went down the steps to the police car .
21 He called ‘ Goodbye , see you tomorrow , ’ and closed the door behind him and went to the lift and pressed the button
22 She left him and went to the table .
23 Oliver scowled at him and went behind the plant , muttering a spell he had made up that morning .
24 She made the connection for him and gestured towards the phone at the end of the counter .
25 Carrie walked around to face him and gestured towards the mess of papers .
26 Mr Roberts buried him and prayed over the grave .
27 They took one look at him and scampered over the fence as quickly as rats over the timbers of a sinking ship .
28 Charlotte thanked him and passed through the barrier into the station yard where a uniformed coachman was waiting with a trim little gig to take her to meet the Hon Mrs Anderson-Hunt .
29 Taking advantage of Guy 's momentary stupefaction , she wriggled out from under him and leapt off the bed , everything forgotten but the need to escape from something she dared not put a name to .
30 The bird , which Gould called the harlequin bronzewing , and which later became known as the flock pigeon , rose from the water beside him and alighted on the ground 40 yards away , just within reach of Gould 's expert aim .
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