Example sentences of "then there were the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then there were the new country groups which truly span the globe : Jordan , Algeria , Poland , Hungary , Czech and Slovak Federal Republics , Yugoslavia , Macao , Malaysia and Taiwan .
2 Even for a short weekend trip , Sally , his widow , wrote there would be ‘ a dictionary , the complete works of Shakespeare , the Oxford Book of English Verse , the Koran , a Larousse , an atlas , together with paperback copies of the Oxford Book of Quotations , a reader 's encyclopaedia … ’ and then there were the new novels and biographies and history bought in paperback raids .
3 Then there were the other ones , the disappointed ones .
4 Then there were the fifty-five auction bidders who were filing a mass suit for slander and defamation of character against a sergeant in the Special Forces .
5 Then there were the molasse-type sands , which in their drab , khaki featurelessness are recognisable in the smallest exposures from Spain to Bulgaria and beyond .
6 Then there were the nice people who were n't interesting , and you did n't want to know what they thought of anything .
7 The bald election result was bad enough , but then there were the personal touches : that brave but shattered look on Glenys ' face as Neil announced his resignation , the dreadful picture on the back of the Independent of a group of City dickheads celebrating their unexpected winnings , and the downright irritating news that my fellow chatterer on Stop the Week , Milton Shulman , had made a packet at Ladbroke 's predicting the correct result .
8 And then there were the vaudeville films .
9 Then there were the unwritten rules : girls travelling by train were not to travel in carriages with boys , and walking to school in the mornings , boys walked on one side of the road , girls on the other .
10 Then there were the sheer indignities of a professional cricketer 's life — the separate entrances , changing facilities , menial jobs to do around the club , even the placing of the man 's initials after his surname to signify servile status .
11 Then there were the chronic sick who had to be looked after .
12 And then there were the free pop concerts which attracted as many as a quarter of a million hippies .
13 then there were the Manx shearwaters — just like small albatrosses that live in burrows , along with puffins and rabbits , to avoid the predatory greater black backed gulls .
14 Then there were the sweeping layers of thin gauzy curtains that swished elegantly back to reveal the screen .
15 Then there were the continuing problems with Washington over sterling convertibility , Imperial Preference and tariffs .
16 Then there were the republican parties who focused their attention on Westminster elections .
17 Well majority er then in them days we were Welsh they are they are English , they 're English erm Congregational Christ Church and then there were the English presbyterian across the road .
18 Then there were the mass flights from the industrial cities of European Russia after 1917 , besides many regional movements too numerous to mention .
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