Example sentences of "then [pers pn] can [verb] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 If it 's safe to go through in that position and then you can see that the exit side is clear , okay , there 's nothing wrong with that .
2 Initially the subject will attend to a new stimulus but will then gradually lose interest and start to look away ( habituation ) ; if the stimulus is then changed in some way and if this causes a re-awakening of interest ( dishabituation ) then we can assume that the baby has detected the change .
3 Then we can show that the relationship between the quantity of base money in existence and the outstanding money supply depends numerically upon the magnitude of the ratios and .
4 If it is not , then we can say that the upper class enjoys a high degree of social closure relative to classes below .
5 If we follow Popper and refer to those sets of observation statements that would serve to falsify a law or theory as potential falsifiers of that law or theory , then we can say that the potential falsifiers of ( a ) form a class that is a subclass of the potential falsifiers of ( b ) .
6 If we allow for the expectations of individuals and the values ( valency ) they place on certain outcomes or rewards , then we can propose that the degree to which they will release energy in the pursuit of their goals is a function of their expectations about likely outcomes and the importance they place on those outcomes or rewards :
7 If g is taken to be the local gravitational acceleration then we can see that the metric connections correspond to the components of the gravitational acceleration .
8 If the modern manic individual is uninhibited in the state of mania because , as Rado suggests , he has regressed to a state of psychic organization that existed in him at his mother 's breast and definitely before his superego formed , then we can see that the reason why the divine kings of early agricultural societies could be described as ‘ manic ’ lie in exactly similar conditions : a situation in which the ego is not constrained by the superego because their collective equivalents — primal father and mother on the one side , and the son on the the other — have become one in the person of the monarch ( who , in this respect , is decidedly and accurately described as an incarnation of the trinity ) .
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