Example sentences of "then [pers pn] [be] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 But I mean , then I was bound to be very bored , except
2 And then you 're gon na be faced with , with two people at the moment , erm that do the running around on the outside party
3 I 've , so then you 're gon na be sacked !
4 No , I think the thing is , is once you , this is gon na sound awful , but once you 've done your time and you know as much or more , then you 're E O then you 're gon na be left alone to get on with your job .
5 Then you are going to be married , sir ? ’
6 From the moment I could understand the human voice 1 — and I expect most of my generation — was told to be ‘ seen and not heard ’ … ‘ consider others before yourself ’ … ‘ never complain' and if you were a boy child , then you were exhorted to be a man , to show no emotion , and not to be a sissy .
7 Then she was asked to be the local carnival queen .
8 If she was going to be devoured , well then She was going to be devoured .
9 If we if we home in on something like that two eight three thousand then we 're going to be earn earning that much for ourselves .
10 There 's gon na be a lot of changes at the end of this century , the beginning of next century in Europe and if we 're not with them then we 're gon na be left behind .
11 But at least then we 're gon na be ready are n't we if we put his name down at four or five schools in the area .
12 We start getting bad weather and then we 're gon na be in trouble are n't we ?
13 Ah I mean they will soften anyway and they are comfortable it 's just that the sides are a bit rigid at the moment but then they 're bound to be and they will give .
14 If ever they lose the ability to scavenge energy , and put it to use in repairing their own fabric , then they are said to be dead ; and they begin immediately to fall apart .
15 There 's none of the rigorous logic and choreographed confusion of real farce , and director Jude Kelly labours under the mistaken impression that if the characters rush around and shout a lot , then they are bound to be funny .
16 It has been suggested that , if a researcher is not sometimes surprised at what they observe , then they are failing to be as open-minded as they should .
17 If he uses the ruler to transfer a measurement from one piece of his work to another then they are going to be identical ; accuracy of the ruler does n't come into it .
18 Well , if they think they are going to follow me into the Multivite/Singletons First Division when I take over at Titford Polymers , then they are going to be bloody disappointed .
19 Its Hong Kong spokesman , Alan Rogers , said : ‘ If the Chinese were upset before then they are going to be very upset now . ’
20 They were hailed in the media as breakthroughs — and then they were shown to be wrong either by their own authors or by others .
21 I did their first demos with them , and took the opportunity of telling them a few facts of life , saying that while it was nice to play guitar , if at the end of the line they were all broke then they were going to be very unhappy musicians who had missed their chance to be big , and so they had better take care of certain realities and do it right away .
22 If the word is not found then it is said to be misspelled , so either correction is attempted , or it is returned to the user for verification .
23 There is a tendency to look upon literature , particularly capital L ‘ Literature ’ , as something separate from life , but once literature is thought of in terms of story-telling and story-making , then it is seen to be part of a common and seemingly-essential human activity .
24 If perception has to be triggered off by what is actually there , then it is constrained to be true .
25 If the plant does not grow above the water surface , then it is known to be in the ‘ submerse ’ condition .
26 If Kenny Shields is n't allowed to buy players soon , instead of being expected to rely on free transfers etc , then it is going to be a very , very long season for all at Carrick when everyone has been looking forward to so much .
27 Maybe , but then it 's allowed to be .
28 Cos clearly we 've only er reached something like five hundred , three thousand , four thousand er then it 's gon na be a a big jump to get to the five hundred and forty !
29 Swedish chief Tommy Svensson declared : ‘ If Anders does n't play for his club for some time then it 's going to be very difficult for me to pick him .
30 If Bremer the torturer finds a character in chains , of course , then it 's going to be fairly grim for that character .
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