Example sentences of "then [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The visitors were ahead after five minutes when Lee Sharpe volleyed home a centre from Denis Irwin , and Southampton were struggling from then on to get back into the match .
2 She waited until Julius was out of sight , then slowly walked back to the house herself .
3 The car gave a roar , then slowly moved out of the garage ; the dim side-lights showed a pale flicker on the back of the house , then swung around for an instant on to the gardens .
4 Actually I find it easier to put in the mortgage details which is page li er pa line three and any outstanding bills and loans and then basically find out from the person how much they need on top of that
5 In no other human discipline , not in philosophy , nor science , nor music , is it believed that there has been a particular revelation of God in history , so that that point in history is then necessarily taken up into the discipline .
6 One grey-haired captain , a rough old chap , sat and sat not saying a word , mute as a mackerel , then suddenly got up in the middle of the room ad , you know , said aloud as if speaking to himself , ‘ If there 's no God then what sort of a Captain am I after that ? ’ , ad seized his cap and threw up his arms and went out .
7 If the pinches of flake were thrown over any other bream 's head then that fish would veer to one side , but only the bream immediately alongside him would react , and then only to get out of the way .
8 Then gently come back to the room .
9 Then gently come back to the room .
10 Then gently come back to the room , and make notes on your resistance to change .
11 Enjoy flowing with the river for as long as you wish — then gently come back to the room .
12 Then gently come back to the room .
13 Then gently come back to the room .
14 Then gently come back to the room .
15 Then gently come back to the room .
16 Then gently come back to the room .
17 Then gently come back to the room .
18 Jessamy shakily got to her feet , took a couple of very deep breaths , then stubbornly went over to the door .
19 For this purpose , I propose first to discuss the several bloom shapes and forms , then the growth and habit forms and variations , and then progressively to pass on to the many breed and race classifications .
20 ‘ It 's much simpler just draping a piece of material round you to work out what shape would work best and then just sitting down at the sewing machine ! ’
21 ‘ It 's much simpler just draping a piece of material round you to work out what shape would work best and then just sitting down at the sewing machine ! ’
22 He had then calmly walked out of the restaurant and into the night .
23 Those that meet with approval are then usually tried out on the terraces , and if found to have some power , make their way into the repertoire .
24 If you encounter such words , practise them systematically by a ) tapping the rhythm , b ) mimicking the last few syllables and then gradually building up to the beginning of the word , c ) putting the long word in different position on a series of sentences and practising them , like in following example : Word stress is often modified when the word occurs in a sentence .
25 Hunt 's appearance represents a career reprieve — he was dropped when Keegan arrived , and then practically written off by the manager .
26 He stared at her for a long , shuttered moment , then wordlessly climbed out of the car and walked slowly round to her door .
27 I 'm only gon na get it four foot deep with it anyway it would n't be four foot deep all over , it 'll start off at two foot and then slightly slope down to the deep part
28 She flinched , then immediately went on to the attack .
29 The friend of the England skipper told TODAY : ‘ Graham originally planned to finish the tour and then quietly move out of the family home when he returned . ’
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