Example sentences of "then [verb] back into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed agitated , restlessly pacing about , looking out into the crowds , then drawing back into the shelter of the arcade .
2 There is the metal-ring type muzzle , which is screwed into place via a pin passed across the inside of a ferret 's mouth behind its big teeth and then threaded back into the ring .
3 From here the path follows the river bank downstream and then heads back into the forest and away from the river before crossing a burn .
4 They are cooled by water taken from the river Yenisey , which is then discharged back into the river , in contravention of recently-passed environmental legislation .
5 The dormice are weighed and then put back into the nest .
6 Where they do not exist it can be presumed that either the genuine silver-gilt coronet was used at the funeral and then put back into the strongroom after the funeral , or they have disintegrated .
7 She carried a long pole which was draped with hanks of haigus wool , and she dropped it across the rails of the staging , then turned back into the gloom of the shop again .
8 He placed the receiver down , stared at it thoughtfully for a moment , then turned back into the room , intending to join the Hatches in the garden .
9 You may not feel that this is always necessary with designs that can be knitted automatically , since they will appear on screen in colour , but it is a great memory jogger and , rather then going back into the programme to look at a design , the colours and design may be seen from the printout .
10 The man dried his hands and took the phone through to Boy , then walked back into the kitchen .
11 The disgraced soldier was then dragged back into the glare of publicity last November when the Attorney General successfully challenged her sentence as ‘ unduly lenient ’ .
12 a woman stared suspiciously form the farm 's arch at the two soldiers , then stepped back into the yard and slammed the heavy gate .
13 The clean water can then flow back into the river .
14 Yes , he thought , tomorrow , he would pay the chaplain to sing one last Mass for his fallen comrades then go back into the city and request from his superiors some mission or task well away from this benighted fortress .
15 I closed my eyes for a bit , then went back into the Bunker to tidy up .
16 I remember screaming and my scream breaking into ecstatic laughter and relief as the bear , instead of eating Charlot , started walking splay-footed in imitation of him , then went back into the wood .
17 He watched Tessa start reluctantly down the stairs , cradling the open suitcase in her arms , then went back into the flat , wishing it were the middle of the night once more .
18 Secured , Ben jumped ashore , then looked back into the boat .
19 It is then passed back into the mouth , chewed again , and returned to the rearward locations for further digestion .
20 The living turtle is then thrown back into the water , in the mistaken belief that it will re-grow its shell .
21 Andy 's face pops up briefly and then disappears back into the bag .
22 The boy placed the bowl on the ground ever so gently , so as not to disturb the wild animals — then slipped back into the house .
23 She walked away a step or two into the frost-sharp wind , then spun back into the lee of the burrow-mouth to face Ember .
24 Then come back into the classroom and work out a picture , using your sketches to help give you information .
25 Ranger Smith then ran back into the danger zone to warn the other soldiers though , unknown to him , they had already found a safe spot .
26 They looked at each other , then ran back into the apartment-block .
27 After standing silently looking up at the Brooklyn sky for a few minutes , and reciting a poem , she then jumped back into the car .
28 Instead , farmers rely on manure , or green manure ( crops that are grown and then ploughed back into the ground ) , one-off treatments of pyrethrum , sulphur or copper .
29 As he moved his way down on to the beach , he clumsily knocked the stones and the girls saw him and rushed to the rocks where they picked up not clothes , but sealskins which they wrapped around their bodies and then dived back into the sea .
30 They wanted to drink , failing a quick thrash with a woman , and then tumble back into the field and race shouting into the forest to make the kill of which they had been unkindly baulked .
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