Example sentences of "him [conj] [verb] he [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hitherto the older waist-band had tended to slip on to the horse 's neck and either throttle him or prevent him from pulling hard ; hence the slower and less efficient ox had been generally used .
2 If you put him to bed and he cries , check on him every few minutes , reassuring him you 're there by talking to him and stroking him before leaving the room .
3 I approached him and asked him about caddying for him , and I was very pleased when he said yes .
4 In some species the male will also take an active part in egg care , in other the female will reject him and prevent him from attending to the eggs .
5 Now here , lying on her bed while St Margaret held his dragon power in check , Maggie knew she had indulged Fenna too long , that she had fed him and petted him into overweening size and pride .
6 Stanley can see through Blanche 's lies and deception but what annoys him is the pretence that Blanche puts on pretending to be better than him and taunting him by calling him a ‘ Polak ’ .
7 Anna was so frightened she grew furiously angry with Peter and screamed at him and accused him of putting God before herself and the children .
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