Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] for [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to note , however , that the categories used in the Rolfe and Will lists may have been assigned for reasons of literary expediency , rather than as the result of rigorous classification .
2 There are also Roman siegeworks which may have been used for exercises by troops from nearby temporary camps still visible around Pennymuir .
3 Without his influence , the vast energy expended on Wissenschaft over the centuries might have been used for purposes of individual or national aggrandizement .
4 A new owner , or his agent , may have found too many properties to maintain , at the same time new premises would have been needed for managers in a central or more convenient position relative to the estate , or within reach of an important market .
5 The simple explanation would appear to be that Jacques worked in the family business on the rue du Harlay with his father and older brother Jean , Martin 's successor in 1712 , until Jean 's death in 1720 , when , as noted above , the workshop ceased , at which time the remaining stock would have been liquidated for reasons of inheritance .
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