Example sentences of "have been [adv] [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rifat 's opinions were shared by many others , Hindu , Muslim and Sikh , but her family in Pakistan must have been exceptionally reticent about sex .
2 The role of loyal officers and police in the events of 17–20 July demonstrates that while the rising may have been predominantly military in character it was far from being a rising of all the military .
3 ’ That would have been exactly analogous to Hughes .
4 But when one learns that the whole project involved only two months of actual field research ( July-August 1936 ) , it becomes obvious that , in this case , the success of the enterprise must have been heavily dependent upon Fei 's prior local knowledge .
5 Such a match , compared to that with the dauphin , would have been distinctly disparaging for Mary .
6 I ca n't help feeling that such a position , though logically sound , would have left one feeling pretty unsatisfied , and that although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin , Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist .
7 If the geothermal gradient was as low as 25° C/km preservation of condensate and even oil would have been theoretically possible in parts of the hanging wall .
8 But , while he is of Le Patron Mange Ici school ( which always used to be the sign of a good restaurant ) , I ca n't see that it would have been particularly good for business here .
9 The coverage given to Mr Allen 's remarks must have been particularly galling to Mr Giuliani 's backers in the Republican party who have been unable to make crime an issue in the race .
10 The Internal Revenue Service will not have been unduly interested in Mr Bush 's earnings from his 1987 autobiography Looking Forward .
11 The doctors of the college and the hospital practised a highly sophisticated offshoot of classical Greek medicine that would have been immediately recognizable to Hippocrates or Galen ; it was known , after its Greek origins , as Unani ( Ionian ) Tibbia .
12 It must have been most pleasant by day .
13 Of all these possibilities the first was the one which would have been most damaging to Baldwin .
14 Anne may have been financially dependent on Joshua , who had not yet settled in his career and was never wealthy .
15 They may have been politically naive in character and open to attack , but their proponents desired to ensure that sound scientific knowledge under-pinned all actions to protect wildlife resources .
16 Similarly , the impact of GIST may have been as great in schools which had no contact with the project at all , because of the changing climate of opinion in which girls ' under-achievement in science and technology came to be seen as a serious educational issue .
17 Last night 's lovemaking had changed everything for Sarella herself ; she had never guessed it could be like that , and she could n't imagine that it might not have been as earth-shattering for Marc too .
18 Carrie wished it might have been as meaningful to Seb .
19 The narrow-minded and mean-spirited Emperor may have been specially severe in Britain and Gaul , and one must consider the evidence from possible destruction of pagan buildings at this time .
20 A a server here and a few clients there networking in between and the systems may have been relatively small in terms of their total hardware capacity .
21 Modugno said it would have been almost impossible for Mansell to see the flag while following closely behind the McLaren-Honda of Ayrton Senna .
22 Jade is therefore very tough and would have been almost ideal for tools and weapons if only it had not been so difficult to work and so scarce .
23 The pressure to please must have been especially strong for women writers who , if they wrote novels of ideas , were in danger of either being rejected as over-cerebral or having the intellectual content of their work ignored .
24 Assuming , still , that Ermold wrote to please , it follows that Hugh and Matfrid must have been especially close to Judith in 826 , which in turn implies that she had indeed been successfully cultivating Lothar 's sympathy for the interests of herself and her son .
25 True , Jesus of Nazareth may have been deeply aware of God ; so have others been .
26 Could somebody please explain to me why it is that a project that was always highly speculative and which now looks like a near disaster should have been so profitable for investors ?
27 ‘ What I fail to understand is why you should have been so distressed by Sofia 's fantasy . ’
28 Accordingly , some of Panmure 's friends were reported to ‘ have been so free with Mr. Erskine as to tell him that if L[or]d Dunn should appear against ’ the Panmure interest , then Erskine would certainly lose his collectorship .
29 I mean it may have been that simple for Mr. Daytimer , who was a lawyer , erm , but I do n't think it 's , it 's , it certainly is n't that simple for me , and I , not for anybody else I know .
30 The minor sacred sites may have been fairly informal in layout , precincts hallowed by some long past and barely remembered appearance of a deity , but not separated off from the rest of the landscape in any visible way .
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