Example sentences of "have to be [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was a matter of time , most steps had been taken , ‘ We are leaving St-Jean to avoid talk ; we shall have to be reasonably discreet for the next few months or so . ’
2 If she wanted this job , she would have to be reasonably pleasant to him , however much it stuck in her throat at times .
3 If a duty had been held to be owed to Dick then the occupier had cause to appreciate the presence of the child and the premises would have to be reasonably safe for a child trespasser and an obstacle to entry erected .
4 ‘ The National Front Disco ’ is such a self-evidently silly title and the sentiments and tone so obviously satirical that you 'd have to be pretty blinkered to be offended by it .
5 Eddie would have to be pretty discreet about her relationship with Angy if she wanted to persuade Aunt Rosina to hand over that sketch as a keepsake .
6 What will be the effect upon the providers of those services who will have to be professionally responsible for decisions made upon inaccurate or incomplete information ?
7 And again the person that you nominate does have to be financially dependant on you .
8 You do n't have to be madly blunt in a political sense .
9 This clearly allows the bilingual audience — and one 's knowledge of a language does not have to be particularly broad for one to know the rude words — to appreciate a pun that tells us much of the character of the fabliau : the essential place of the con in the conte .
10 Also , the slow course of the disease implied that any drug would have to be given for a long time in order to be effective and so would have to be particularly harmless to patients .
11 Communication skills will have to be much better and every player will have to be acutely aware of what the ball carrier is going to do .
12 Accordingly , each step in the signalling funnel would have to be relatively permissive in signal reception yet specific in transmission .
13 The Committee for Arts and Social Studies confirmed at its third meeting , in April 1966 , that ‘ it was established that courses submitted to the Council would not necessarily have to be directly vocational in nature ’ .
14 Bearing in mind the notion of a portfolio spread of risk , directors do not have to be so risk-averse to all types of investment — especially where , with new technology , it may indicate the creation of an option to stay in business .
15 Why did it have to be so far off the ground ?
16 Do you have to be so enthusiastic about everything you do ?
17 Ironically , a Labour government would not have to be so generous as the Tories .
18 Why should it have to be so difficult to be taken seriously ?
19 But you do n't have to be so beastly to him , Pickles .
20 In an age when much more business is project-oriented when it is increasingly a case of throw it at the wall and see what sticks ( perhaps in the public sector they really wish they did n't have to be so careful with the dosh and could similarly try things out more just to see what might work ) , the role of the chief exec is to empower the team and keep informed of progress ( half a side of A4 and no hyperbole please ) .
21 That 'll have to be quite useful for your holiday in France and every thing ai n't it ?
22 Under those conditions a miner would have to be quite fleet of foot !
23 A legal system must take steps to control the use of force but it does not have to be totally successful in order to remain a legal system .
24 A man would have to be totally deficient in imagination to fail to be struck with a kind of horror and awe .
25 As styles can only be applied to whole paragraphs , you do n't have to be too careful about selecting text ; just pop the cursor anywhere in the block and the formatting will be applied to the whole paragraph .
26 It 'll have to be back dated after Christmas .
27 Although there is no speaker grille or cloth for protection , the cone does sit some six inches back from the front of the cab , so you would have to be very unlucky for anything to poke that far in through the narrow slot to do any damage .
28 You would have to be very sure of him and of yourself to know when he 's lying , and when he 's telling the truth .
29 This is a very important position you 're after , I shall have to be very thorough in checking whether you 're up to it .
30 McLeish reflected uncomfortably that he would have to be very circumspect in his dealings with Catherine , with this beady-eyed observer around the place .
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