Example sentences of "have be some [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was not a contest to excite the audience and there must have been some anxiety in Mason 's corner as it approached a critical stage .
2 From medieval times there must have been some kind of dwelling on the slight rise in the ground upon which the house stood .
3 There must have been some kind of remorse .
4 In between the Oaks and the Elms darted the Silver Birches , slender and frivolous-looking , with wild , shining white hair that streamed out behind them and mischievous features and trailing garments that might have been some kind of cloth , but might as easily have been simply their pale leaves .
5 ‘ There would have been some degree of overlap .
6 There would probably have been some cutting in Act 5 .
7 At least there would have been some measure of impersonality about a restaurant , whereas here , trapped in the confines of her small office with Luke so close , there was a definite air of intimacy .
8 It might have been some sort of optician 's test thing , for all I could say , or a kids ’ puzzle .
9 ‘ You sure you do n't mind me talking about your sister ? ’ he said slowly , with what might have been some sort of smile on his face .
10 It must have been Good it must have been some sort of carbonate , and the salt that was formed was from the hydrochloric acid was calcium chloride , so it must have been ?
11 Must have been some sort of misunderstanding , ’ said Rose .
12 Oh there must have been some sort of arrangement , I do n't know .
13 ‘ Old Darlington was quite some place to live in and I reckon daily life must have been some sort of gamble , ’ said Joan .
14 There may even have been some dissatisfaction among Penda 's allies with what had been achieved at Iudeu .
15 There must have been some point of contact .
16 There would have been some loss of blood . ’
17 It must have been some time in August when I took those pictures , Rufus thought , and a couple of weeks later it was all over .
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