Example sentences of "have be [verb] [conj] he had " in BNC.

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1 Zeki 's results would never have been obtained if he had continued to study V4 cells using spectrally pure light sources that are the tradition in visual system physiology , rather than coloured objects which are the normal source of our colour perception .
2 Charles and Diana frequently visited their brother John 's lichen-covered grave in the Sandringham churchyard and mused about what he would have been like and whether they would have been born if he had lived .
3 If he was the cynosure of all eyes he did n't notice and in his present mood he would n't have been troubled if he had .
4 Lives might have been saved if he had not waited about two hours before reporting the crash in April last year .
5 A leading surgeon told the inquiry that Martin Robinson , 25 , could have been saved if he had been rushed to a neurosurgical hospital after complaining of severe headaches .
6 The question was whether an employee who was going to suffer from a disability , and was then guilty of misconduct , would have been dismissed if he had been a man .
7 The amount should have been reduced because he had received an advance on his wages .
8 A lot must have been happening while he had slept .
9 The warning alert must have been sounding since he had broken into the room .
10 She knew he was not actually in the red at the bank , but he was pretty near to it at times , although he was now paid a very good salary , much more than Len would ever have been paid if he had still been alive and in the job .
11 The courts will not take the incidence of future inflation into account in calculating the dependency , but if it is established that the deceased would have increased his income in the future for reasons other than inflation ( eg because he would have been promoted if he had remained in his job or because he would probably have attained higher and better paid skills or a better paid job if he had lived ) this might give grounds for increasing the multiplicand .
12 The resolution authorising the purchase will not be effective if the shareholder proposed to be bought out votes in respect of the resolution and the resolution would not have been passed if he had not done so ( s164(5) ) .
13 He would have been lying if he had recorded only the more accessible drama of the painter 's electric quarrels with Gauguin in the Yellow House in Arles , the distant necessary brother who supplied paint and love , the severed ear delivered to the whore in the brothel , the asylum fears .
14 ‘ The accident might have been avoided if he had adopted an approach which enabled him to keep the crane in sight .
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