Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pron] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'd have heard him all over the shop , ’ he said , ‘ and he came off the phone complaining that he 'd just lost 40,000 .
2 If anything could have frightened us away from the proposition it would have been the failure of the Leader of the Opposition to advance a sensible argument on anything at all .
3 Or he could have flown it around in the wastes of ice where Shackleton lost the Endurance .
4 Unfortunately , I could n't have explained it clearly to the dog .
5 Whether control of these facilities by the CPSU fulfilled this requirement is debatable , but before we jump to the conclusion that we could not have expected anything else from the Soviet system , consider the chequered history of the First Amendment to the United States constitution , which reads inter alia : ‘ congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech . ’
6 She stood up : ‘ No , I did n't ! — So he could n't have done it , could he ? — And before you say owt , he could n't have looked her up in the phone book 'cos she 's ex-directory ! — And anyway , he told me to go round there today and get her to put her money in the bank .
7 They 're sure to give the go-ahead , otherwise they would n't have chucked it out in the first place .
8 Is it possible , ’ wondered the earl , appealing deferentially to Prior Robert 's more profound instruction in things holy , ‘ that for some beneficent purpose of her own she may have transferred herself miraculously from the place where she was laid ?
9 Maybe I should have turned it over to the locals … ’
10 You must have disturbed them right in the act . "
11 Judging by the many Figures covered by the first letter of the alphabet — fifty-eight at the beginning — it can be appreciated that Miller had been justly advised ; such expansion throughout the work would have priced it far outside the purse of the ‘ generality ’ if , indeed , it could have been completed in his lifetime .
12 I think Davison would have done it easily in the promotion year but he got injured … apart from that ( altho did nt Ray Hankin score 20 in about 79 ? )
13 We did laugh so much during those months — you must have seen us sometimes at the cafe .
14 ‘ I should have told you earlier about the pain , Shelley , but I thought you 'd had enough ill people for one day , ’ she explained .
15 He referred to the policy of separate development as ‘ apart-hate ’ in his first few letters , until somebody must have clued him in on the correct spelling .
16 If I 'd told them a tale like that then they would have had me down at the station before I could blink ! ’
17 If that had happened in my day , those players would have had him up against the nearest wall and sorted it out .
18 She 'd have had him back to the manufacturers for radical restructuring .
19 How else could he have got them out of the keep ?
20 ‘ The League should have kicked him out of the game , and the PFA have not done enough to get back the money owed to men like David Howell .
21 He 's been reckon she must have locked herself up in the dark .
22 There could only be one reason why Ross — always such a proud and unforgiving man — would have broken his own self-imposed exile and contacted her ; only one reason why he would have brought her back to the quiet privacy of her own apartment .
23 We stared in stunned shock , realising that the pilot must have made one last superhuman effort not to come down right on our heads , but then just could n't manage those last few yards which would have brought them safely onto the runway .
24 That area of your life not only is of no interest to me , but I also consider it in very poor taste that you should have brought it up in the first place ! ’
25 This was never more threatened from the right than in the years before 1914 and a leader who had respected constitutional niceties at that time would have driven them out of the system where they could have been far more dangerous .
26 Those in the know — the core group of researchers in any field who spend a lot of time at conferences and seminars chatting about the state of the art — will simply disregard the anomalous result , or they will have gossiped it away in the bar after the meeting .
27 It would have suited you down to the ground . ’
28 And , if it had not been for the speedy response from the coastguard , the boys would have found themselves out in the open sea .
29 And if it had not been for the speedy response of the coastguard , the boys would have found themselves out in the open sea .
30 She would have known him anywhere by the very set of his head , the mere shape of him , even so cramped and disabled .
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