Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While this may have formed part of the rationale for the application of natural justice , the major reason for the development of the doctrine was the protection of property rights and interests akin thereto .
2 She 's right , I realize — the word ‘ defence ’ may not have formed part of the unit 's name .
3 Where you have settled the case prior to trial , it is possible that you may have a report that you would have disclosed and which would have formed part of the proceedings at trial had the case gone ahead .
4 The brick built and slated roof mill was built around 1840–41 , in what must have formed part of the garden , and was obviously steam-powered from that date .
5 A fair employer will already have given thought to the alternatives to redundancy , perhaps even contacting other companies within the same group to see whether vacancies exist elsewhere .
6 Even if , as Mancini thought , not all the details of these ‘ plots ’ commanded belief , the Woodvilles ' background of aggressive opportunism must have given credibility to the claim that they intended to dominate the young king .
7 Even if , as Mancini thought , not all the details of these ‘ plots ’ commanded belief , the Woodvilles ' background of aggressive opportunism must have given credibility to the claim that they intended to dominate the young king .
8 It is difficult to see how such chaotic initial conditions could have given rise to a universe that is so smooth and regular on a large scale as ours is today .
9 Thus there must have been initial configurations that would not have given rise to a universe like the one we see today .
10 However , in the absence of such a disclaimer the circumstances would have given rise to a duty of care .
11 ( 3 ) Subject to the following subsections , a person ( here referred to as ‘ the defendant ’ ) is answerable to the child if he was liable in tort to the parent or would , if sued in due time , have been so ; and it is no answer that there could not have been such liability because the parent suffered no actionable injury , if there was a breach of legal duty which , accompanied by injury , would have given rise to the liability . …
12 The other view is that where the conduct of the plaintiff would have given rise to the defence at common law if he was suing for negligence , the defence is applicable .
13 Some instinctive appreciation of this fact may have given rise to the mystique which surrounded £40 a year in contemporary culture .
14 Phillips ( 1986 ) has described how metamorphic fluids could have given rise to the mineralisation in Central Wales .
15 When this happens , it is vital that the conflict be resolved and that broken or strained relationships which may have given rise to the problem be repaired .
16 This is in order to try to avoid the effects of subrogation , viz where the insurer pays out money to the landlord under an insurance policy he will be subrogated to any rights the landlord may have against the tenant for breaches of covenant which may have given rise to the damage or destruction .
17 The outcome in this patient suggests that the delay in diagnosis and hence starting effective antibiotic treatment may have given rise to the abnormality in both the humoral response and T cell function , which on this occasion may have contributed to the development of an associated extraintestinal lymphoma .
18 But she admits her first experience of birth has n't put her off — she 's just glad they live so close to the hospital otherwise she 'd probably have given birth in the car !
19 To Alliance lists they could have given votes in the knowledge that these would not be wasted .
20 No doubt it will have given satisfaction to the chairman of BR and his chief executive as they sit , to quote your article , ‘ in their new headquarters building next to Euston Station … ( feeling ) … confident about the future in a way few other British executives might , notwithstanding the recession ’ and waiting it would seem , either for rescue in the form of ‘ more generous ’ support for rail from the present government ( ‘ always mindful that its majority is dependent of MPs representing the London commuter belt ’ ) or , conversely , a doubled grant from a future Labour administration .
21 The longer period of separation would have given time for the birds there to evolve as separate species and to have lost all connection with their original parent stock in India .
22 Just as solicitors acting for the wife , where the matrimonial home stands in the husband 's sole name , will have given advice concerning the registration of a Class F Land Charge or a notice ( if registered land ) ; so , where the home stands in the joint names of husband and wife as beneficial joint tenants , will they have advised on severance of that joint tenancy in order to prevent the husband acquiring the whole property by operation of law in the event of the wife 's death before the determination of the matrimonial proceedings ( see Barton v Morris [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 1032 ) .
23 It was fortunate that the longer wheelbase cars had been removed to work on the Sutton route as they were longer and of larger capacity than the Corporation cars and would certainly have given trouble on the section between Selby Road and West Croydon , which was all single track with short passing loops .
24 You may possibly have heard talk to the effect that I was a damned good scrum half .
25 Thus the anti-aristocratic debate , in so far as it was not a literary fashion , was a polemical weapon in a struggle within the nobility between the nobility nobility allow it trained golillas ( pen-men , usually of modest noble origin ) and the ‘ military ’ aristocracy , who may have regarded office as the reward of rank .
26 There is no reason to expect that they will necessarily have developed cancer of the bladder : the same gene seems to be associated with tumours of the lung , gut , and other tissues ( Nature vol 300 , p 539 ) .
27 Public Health Minister Hedi Mhenni announced on Nov. 18 that Tunisia would press for compensation from France on behalf of 12 haemophiliacs who might have developed AIDS as a result of using transfusions of blood , imported from France , which carried the HIV virus .
28 Sometimes screening which is not available to older women may not have proven effectiveness for the group to whom it is offered .
29 London itself , however , may have furnished encouragement for the lines Eliot 's thought was taking .
30 Just as he could have received promotion over the years , but had always been turned down in favour of someone younger .
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