Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [adv] [be] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Again , if the court holds that a particular decision was unreasonable , that decision could not lawfully be made again .
2 The petitioner took the view that involuntary agency could not properly be distinguished either from notification au parquet , to which the authors of the Convention were clearly opposed , or from such devices as service upon a State official , typically the Secretary of State , permitted in various United States jurisdictions .
3 This staggering figure could not easily be explained away .
4 Unlike coffee , tea could not easily be grown profitably on smallholdings .
5 A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted so as to retain Unionist minority control .
6 The finger pointed at education could not easily be pushed aside , particularly at a time when the period of education had been extended and the school population , on both sides of the Atlantic , was beginning to diminish factors which should have favoured significant improvement .
7 He was shrewd enough to realize that western-style government could not easily be grafted on to a chiefly structure profoundly resistant to rapid and uneven modernization .
8 Only fourteen comprehensive schools existed at the time when Tony Crosland was writing : good grammar schools could not simply be swept away , nor the rights and duties of Local Education Authorities brushed aside .
9 Centuries of oppression could not just be wiped out by a legislative dictate .
10 Still , his view could not just be set aside .
11 Two other factors are worth mentioning here because they are often given as reasons for dispersals that could not obviously be justified otherwise .
12 Otherwise the ‘ thought ’ that the sea is uniformly blue , which is the logical complement of its appearing to be uniformly blue , could not consistently be entertained along with the thought that the sea is not really blue at all .
13 It was the submission of the appellant , B. & Q. , that your Lordships were bound to refer the matter to the European Court of Justice , whereas the respondent councils submitted that , following the Conforama and Marchandise decisions , the conclusion reached by Hoffmann J. could not possibly be disturbed so that no reference was required .
14 It suits the purpose of , for example , R. F. Dearden ( 1976 ) , Professor of Education at Birmingham University , to assume the naive view of non-seriousness and therefore to argue that for this reason even Wendy House play in the Infant School could not possibly be taken seriously as a medium for learning .
15 With the black market standing at roughly one-tenth of the official rate in mid-1990 , many investors who might otherwise have wanted to invest were holding back , betting that the official rate could not indefinitely be propped up .
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