Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [verb] [prep] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But without it she could not pay for her coffee and salad .
2 Florence Lees died 24 October 1922 , saying that she could not live without her husband , who had died two months previously .
3 Mr Penna said Mrs Watson 's death was a sad case of a hardworking and healthy woman who had decided she could not live without her husband .
4 She did n't because the moment was not right ; she did not yet know that she could not plead from her position of privilege that she had suffered too — ‘ So you want to annex our wrongs as well , do you ? ’ he might well have answered to her in just bitterness .
5 She described the exquisite pains of love when one day she could not rise from her bed because of the anguish from a scintilla of pure love that had pierced her heart .
6 After the break between his father and mother , he could not respond to her affection .
7 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
8 She dialled 999 and tried to reach a pile of coats in the kitchen to extinguish the flames but could not get past her husband because of the heat and flames .
9 Constance could not look at her mother .
10 ONE of the top glamour models in the Northern Ireland Electricity advert has packed in her day job because bosses could n't cope with her stardom .
11 She could n't tell from her vantage-point up here in the tower .
12 She could n't eat , could n't concentrate on her work , could n't do anything except wander round and round the drawing-room , frightened to set foot outside the door in case she bumped straight into Julius .
13 She could n't see without her glasses , which made her frown with frustration .
14 At least they could n't know about her visit to Puddephat 's rooms .
15 He could n't wait for her return to the Hit Factory .
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