Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [verb] [verb] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone close to Laura could not fail to notice her ability to ensure reality remained in the next room .
2 She thought it might as well be Betty and sat down by Finn , because then Betty , even if displeased at her laziness , could not fail to commend her courtesy .
3 She felt she could not bear to continue her inspection .
4 Like they could not wait to abolish her conveniences and idiosyncrasies .
5 She could not afford to allow her guard to slip .
6 Diana does not paint , and could not have shared her husband 's absorption .
7 Her knees were weak , and she sat down on a chair the press rep brought over for her ; she could not have trusted her legs to walk over to it .
8 Her hands were shaking , the palms damp , and she knew she could n't stand to save her life .
9 ‘ Having let the side down by not being able to give Wendy a baby , I just could n't refuse to let her try AID ’
10 When he proposed to her on the last night I think she took him because , having been in her room for seven days , she 'd met nobody else and could n't bear to see her investment wasted . ’
11 She could n't bear to witness her father and D'Arcy falling out .
12 Then she discovered that it was Travis she had to thank that the news of her engagement to his cousin was all over Vasey 's , as , still smiling , he stated , ‘ Hope you do n't mind , Naylor , but I came in earlier to have a quick word with Leith , and could n't resist telling her assistant that a possible reason for Leith being late this morning could be her getting engaged to you at the weekend . ’
13 ‘ I could n't have broken her heart .
14 She telegraphed Anna to meet her , she could n't have put her hand on so much money on her own .
15 But she could n't seem to gather her wits ; all she wanted to do was kneel there weeping .
16 She could n't seem to wrench her eyes from the heated blue gaze devouring her .
17 She could n't seem to stop her tongue .
18 For some strange reason she could n't seem to relinquish her hold on the chain and braced herself for the wrench she was sure would follow when fitzAlan started towards the castle gates .
19 She could n't seem to drag her eyes away from his familiar figure .
20 Laura could n't seem to tear her eyes away as she absorbed the man 's hawk-like , tanned face and the sensual appeal of his tall , broad-shouldered body elegantly clad in a black long-tailed jacket and dark-striped trousers .
21 She could n't seem to catch her breath .
22 ‘ Yes , ’ Tallis said quickly , but she could n't help dropping her gaze as she told the partial lie , and when she looked back Wynne-Jones was not smiling .
23 The Wisharts resumed their reading , Mrs Wishart kept glancing at the old lady — she could n't help admiring her dress , it was so Victorian and really out of place in 1945 .
24 It was such a long trip , ’ she could n't help craning her neck to see where the old witch was .
25 Marc was gazing out of the window , but he could n't help overhearing her side of the conversation .
26 She could n't afford to let her judgement be coloured by personal feelings .
27 She 'd been planning to have it repaired as soon as she could afford to , for , although she knew she could have claimed the cost through her insurance , she could n't afford to lose her no-claims bonus .
28 She definitely could n't afford to lose her job , that much was certain .
29 She was already getting fed up with the hospital , and could n't wait to take her twin boys back to the large nursery waiting for them upstairs in the medieval castle that was now the family home .
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