Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [been] [vb pp] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , they could have been altered if the Government had not wasted their bargaining power in attempts to defend the indefensible , attack the trivial and obtain the illusory .
2 The later breathing system could have been fitted or the engine fitted to a later vehicle .
3 He says the records could have been desroyed and the doctors involved could be dead .
4 But for the fact that the rioters supported the Government , itself widely believed to regard the riots with tacit approval , it could have been said that the country was on the point of revolution .
5 Many of these deaths could have been prevented if the disease had been discovered earlier .
6 Many of these deaths could have been prevented if the disease had been discovered earlier .
7 Many of these could have been prevented if the right measures were available and used correctly . ’
8 Neither abolition nor emancipation therefore produced a satisfactory capitalist solution of ‘ the agrarian problem ’ , and it is doubtful whether this could have been achieved unless the conditions for the development of a capitalist agriculture were already present , as in the areas on the margins of the slave/serf economy such as Texas or ( in Europe ) Bohemia and parts of Hungary .
9 In neither case does a clear picture emerge of the true value of any improvements in relation to the the organisation as a whole , and often the analyst is left with an uncomfortable feeling that more could have been achieved if the situation had been approached more methodically .
10 Looking back , one can only wonder why no-one suggested easier ways of working , great economies could have been made if a time and motion expert had been employed .
11 It was immaterial that the General Commissioners had found that H Ltd 's platform was a temporary structure and that the lighting could have been removed if the platform was dismantled .
12 And it is to pay him £11,188 the maximum that could have been awarded if the tribunal , which has already sat for ten days in March , found in his favour .
13 Whilst departmental reports could have been discussed and a broad evaluation of curriculum strategy discussed by staff as a whole , it seems reasonable that reports which contained confidential matters were not circulating round the school .
14 The following Spring , a still shaken Khrushchev called a group of writers to his dacha outside Moscow and told them that the Hungarian rising could have been avoided if a few writers had been shot in time .
15 The fire officer who investigated the blaze said the accident could have been avoided if a safer method of working had been used .
16 In a final report , which has not yet been made public the Atlanta group concludes that seven babies died of deliberate overdoses and that another 2 I deaths could have been avoided if the hospital had been better equipped to spot trouble .
17 Carson concludes , after carefully researching the individual incidents which constituted this high rate of fatality ( as well as those involving serious injuries ) that the majority could have been avoided if the ‘ political economy of speed ’ had not been allowed to supersede the ‘ political economy of employees lives and limbs ’ .
18 A couple of back-row changes and a second-row change were badly needed and I are sure the humiliation against the Wallabies could have been avoided if the selectors had acted on the evidence .
19 Clearly Auld was of the opinion that the Tyndale incident could have been avoided if the authority had taken a wider view of its role .
20 He said : ‘ This tragedy could have been avoided because the method of decanting used in an enclosed space with a direct source of ignition available and the use of an unsuitable type of hand lamp did not constitute a safe system of working . ’
21 The defendant pointed to the close relationship of those witnesses and Paulette , the background of tension and domestic strife and the animosity of each of them towards the defendant and stressed the ease with which their evidence could have been fabricated and the absence of corroboration .
22 A BRIDE-TO-BE says she could have been stranded after a wedding car company disappeared .
23 On those occasions when dependence on the providence of some undefined ‘ god ’ has apparently been effective and some relief from troubles apparently obtained , it could have been shown that the relief came , in reality , from a human source .
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