Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [prep] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not for , then we could think about having a grant aided class if we if we could get one still for this leisure activity , if people were interested .
2 One of the officials with whom I had dealings was John Hampden , who years later was to become a colleague ; but although he did his best to be co-operative , it was the men who held the purse-strings that counted , and , going between the MOI and Faber 's , I could not extract from officialdom any commitment and Eliot naturally needed certain specific undertakings regarding finance before Faber 's could think of commissioning a book , which also needed the Ministry 's imprimatur .
3 He spoke as if they had been married for years , and could joke about sharing a bed .
4 It would do us far more honour if you could succeed in obtaining a post under some other great lord .
5 To be able to move to a small terraced house in a more desirable area could result in winning a job when the opportunity arose .
6 Man City 0 , Spurs 1 PETER REID will soon be signing a new contract at Maine Road , But the City manager could do with signing a player as well , if all the words about challenging for the title are to mean anything .
7 This he could do by granting a Discharge in the form set forth in Schedule B to the Act or in a similar form .
8 Out here is dark and lonely , and as convenient a place as they could wish for to stick a knife in and leave me cold .
9 You were so successful at it that in the end you could vanish without leaving a soul behind sufficiently concerned about you to kick up a fuss — only a solicitor worried about the legal hang-ups , and especially the money !
10 And she could forget about making a visit to Karlovy Vary , that was for sure .
11 Another person could weep and out of the weeping find memories of strengths which could lead to formulating a treatment plan and a cure .
12 It was the nearest thing they could get to having a castratus ; he was already a political eunuch , him and Teixeira both .
13 That we could talk about having a breast removed or being badly damaged by surgery or our hair dropping out or whatever . ’
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