Example sentences of "could [be] [vb pp] [adv] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The most significant restriction was that only 15 per cent of profits made in Romanian currency could be transferred abroad in hard currency .
2 At first sight it may appear that the general pattern of Soviet trade with the Third World , consisting of the export of capital goods and equipment in return for raw materials , could be applied successfully in Latin America .
3 perhaps the single most important effect of the Cuban revolution was that it proved beyond all doubt that Marxism was not an exclusively European doctrine and that it could be applied successfully in Latin America .
4 It would be better if , as in private law , there were a longer fixed period which could be extended only in exceptional cases on stated and reasonably precise grounds .
5 Faraday had written in the 1820s that it was a good idea to have the same pitch on various bits of apparatus , so that they could be connected together in different ways ; but this idea had not become general .
6 Kahnweiler linked the names of Picasso and Braque together seriously in Der Weg zum Kubismus , written in 1915 though not published until 1920 , but general recognition of their collaboration dates from the Kahnweiler and Uhde sales of the early 1920s when their pre-war Cubism could be seen together in large quantities for the first time .
7 The manifest disasters of the war could be quantified exactly in anti-semitic terms .
8 Exploratory development at Hemerdon in South-west England by Amax Hemerdon Ltd demonstrated the presence of a major W-Sn deposit which could be worked profitably in favourable conditions .
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