Example sentences of "could [adv] [be] say [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 Many routes could not be said to form a coherent network , other than as InterCity connections to whom they did not now belong , and a few ( surprisingly few ) were in the mould of the traditional country branch line .
2 In 1910 few Liberals had argued for Home Rule in their election addresses or speeches , so they could not be said to have a clear mandate for it .
3 In recent years , the Committee has noted , with disappointment , that the new Legal Aid Board was not ‘ a Legal Services Board with overall responsibility for legal aid and legal services ’ ; that the present system could not be said to constitute a ‘ comprehensive system of legal services offering good early advice ’ ; and that in considering reform to the legal profession , there had been a failure by government ‘ to examine the place that lawyers ’ services should occupy in the field of legal services as a whole . ’
4 Jim Nicholson , the chairman of Down Royal , could also be said to have a grievance for he has sponsored three of the National Hunt races on the Saturday card and in fact has put his money where his mouth is .
5 ‘ But in the case of such an animated film , there would n't be anything behind the cartoon sofa ; not only that , the sofa could n't be said to have a behind at all .
6 The sustained and systematic assault upon the assumptions and procedures of classic realism , vigorously pursued by the leading nouveaux romanciers , could almost be said to represent a manifesto of postmodern aims and aspirations ; while the emphatic self-reflexivity of their novels is frequently cited as paradigmatic of radical textuality .
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