Example sentences of "could [verb] [pers pn] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 WALES prop Mike Griffiths is facing a suspension that could rule him out of the clash with world champions Australia , after his dismissal in CARDIFF 'S match at Aberavon yesterday .
2 If a grip could be got on the parcel , maybe she could thread it up between the wood and through ?
3 But that was on a slower basis than , than he could make it up under the new scheme .
4 And dad could knock me off on the way to get the papers .
5 You are a sign well able to juggle several balls at once so in many ways the volatile planetary climate could suit you down to the ground .
6 The appeal at the school that Mrs was supposed to have let Miss White know so she could send it off to the parents to get the money back scanner
7 you could bring it round to the corner .
8 Would it be a situation if we asked the Town Clerk and er maybe with the Chairman , it 's a little bit difficult , I think the Town Clerk at this stage , to speak to and then if it seems possible we could bring it up at the Planning Committee meeting and arrange a date to go down and have a look , when we 've actually approached the land owners .
9 You could pace it out as the length of a grave .
10 It occurred to her that he could tip her out of the window without any effort at all , and she shrank back .
11 Instead of tripping over their shoes while doing quick changes , each chair had pockets where they could thrust them out of the way .
12 I could see him out of the corner of my eye and I thought , I 'm going to stick with him .
13 She could see him out of the comer of her eye , removing a crystal from his pocket and placing it in her desk reader .
14 ‘ The shops here are very good , but Dana is inclined to turn her nose up at anything outside London or Paris , so I imagine an hour could see her back at the flat . ’
15 I could see it over by the wooden boards that had been nailed across Quigley 's windows .
16 You will have heard the phrase ‘ I could see it out of the corner of my eye ’ .
17 You could erm you could , you could stick it in like the bedroom and wait for someone to go in and have a shag
18 → Do you realise , Steve , that a professional standard , concert classical guitar could set you back in the region of £7,000 , and that orchestral instruments regularly change hands for much more ?
19 Coming into the event at Walton Heath , Murray was languishing in 71st place on the Order of Merit , but worse than that , he had also been warned that an arthritic condition called spondylitis could force him out of the game in little more than a year .
20 When I asked my mother what she was doing , she replied : ‘ I thought if nothing were to come of your relationships , I could cut them out of the photographs ! ’
21 Japan said that it intended to build up its military forces to a high level so that it could cut them down in the interests of peace .
22 George was impressed with the new man 's knowledge of sheep , appreciating how quickly he spotted a sick or lame sheep and how neatly he and Meg could cut it out from the herd for attention .
23 ‘ I could take them out to the middle of a lake in a boat and drop them in .
24 Pete suggested that in a few days ' time he could take her out to the nearest big town on the coast , and there she could look for clothes in the department stores and check out the library for the addresses of any useful organisations or people to contact .
25 ‘ Perhaps you could take her back to the auberge ? ’
26 thing you could pass on to the police and they could take it up with the local council .
27 Erm and and and we could take it back to the hundred days episode when the great powers have all er decided to er er to prevent Napoleon from making a comeback in France .
28 Its expansion could take us out of the recession without further inflation and increasing unemployment .
29 England did not seem to believe that Spanish-based Tab Ramos could juggle it back from the bye-line and when he did , no-one had picked up the 6ft 1ins Kaiserlauten defender as he powered his header past Chris Woods .
30 and that was my Barclaycard number in case you want it although I ordered it through the thr phone I made out that so that I could read it off on the telephone I did n't even erm I did n't even assemble it I just looked and I saw it does n't chop I thought it would chop things but does n't , it only grates Looks as though it had been out before , you know , you look at this !
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