Example sentences of "could [verb] his [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Kevin Thomas , a 17-year-old striker who has scored eight goals during the reserve team 's 14-match unbeaten run , could make his debut for the Tynecastle club .
2 Pat Cash , out for eight months with an Achilles tendon injury , could make his comeback in the doubles at the Australian Open in Melbourne next month .
3 Yet he could convey his feelings about the country with real emotion , as in the extract from his description of Cockley Beck .
4 At one level , he finally found a spiritual home , a sanctuary from which he could vent his spleen on the oppressive bourgeois institutions which had duped him .
5 The next day , Mackie , of Craigcrook Road , Edinburgh , had attended a meeting at Mr Runciman 's office so the investment analyst could update his notes on the company .
6 I smiled to myself as I let in the clutch and moved off I would stop at the shop and tell the little man that he could collect his pans without the slightest fear of being torn limb from limb , but my overriding emotion was one of relief that I had not cut the sparkle out of the big dog 's life .
7 After a year or so of disappointment , my Dad gently explained about air waves , and I reasoned that if Dick Barton could send his voice through the air waves , God certainly could .
8 The occupier could exclude his duty to the visitor but not to the trespasser .
9 If Alger Hiss could betray his country for the sake of Communism — and he is still trying to establish his innocence — where else among the highest in the land might treason be found ?
10 He could feel his hand in the handcuffs shaking .
11 And he tells how none of the assembled guards and officials could look his father in the eye as he protested his innocence .
12 Then he loosened his hold and tilted her back , so that she could see his outline in the half-light .
13 He could see his reflection in the mirror , + wondered why he was white .
14 At night , when he was getting ready for bed , he would switch on his bedside lamp and stand with his back to it so he could see his shadow against the far wall .
15 He had not been to any of the social functions advertised — it would have seemed like living his life backwards to enter voluntarily a church hall full of women and cups of tea — he could see his mother at the urn and himself as a boy handing round those very cups .
16 He could see his informant behind the wheel .
17 Judd saw his own hand , held hovering uncertainly over the heap of treasure , quiver as Stringy 's had done and wondered if that meant he looked as mad as the rest of them did ; and he wanted to say they could have it , that he was opting out and they could divide his share among the three of them and stuff it .
18 Through the pages of hundreds of books , many famous and some unknown , the undying one could trace his passage down the years .
19 And he could finance his bid with the cash he raises from the sale of players like Lindsay Curry , Ricky Wade and Stephen Baxter .
20 He had grown close to Gerry Gomez since the day he had asked if he could meet his sister at the airport , and they now worked together admirably .
21 BARRY Lane could secure his place in the Ryder Cup team today if he maintains his form at the Lancia Martini Italian Open .
22 McAvoy was convinced he could control his cut from the inside but he lost control .
23 His local knowledge proved indispensable when he was a firefighter because he could guide his colleagues to the scene of a ‘ shout ’ as accurately as he could deliver a letter .
24 ERIC PETERS inspired Cambridge to a remarkable Twickenham triumph with a display that could book his place on the England squad plane to Lanzarote on December 31 .
25 In one place Shakespeare stretches the hypocrite 's resourcefulness to the limits , when an aside about the wisdom of the young Prince meant only for the audience — ‘ So wise , so young , they say do never live long ’ — is overheard by the Prince himself — ‘ What say you uncle ? ’ — forcing Richard to improvise brilliantly : But this superiority of wit places the audience in any uneasy position : if we laugh with the deceiver we could share his dehumanizing of the dupe .
26 This was led through the streets in furrows so that each burger could have his turn at the stream to irrigate his garden , with its vegetables and flowers .
27 He had proved that he could maintain his force in the desert over a considerable length of time , which by air supply could easily be extended .
28 Cumberland , an eye-witness recorded , ‘ jumped around the room with joy ’ on learning he could resume his pursuit of the rebels , ‘ and declared that he would follow them to the further part of Scotland . ’
29 With the agreement of my closest colleagues and the director of the MRC 's Clinical Research Centre , Dr C. C. Booth , I provided Dr Ted Steele with an environment in which he could complete his experiments in the friendly but critical atmosphere provided by immunologists who were trying to repeat his results themselves .
30 The Shah , a shy , almost taciturn man , showed unaccustomed emotion as he spoke , pausing before he could complete his address to the dead monarch .
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