Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] and [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The alternative approach to treating an infectious disease , by means of chemotherapy , made little progress until viruses could be grown and studied in cultures outside living organisms .
2 Mr. Dear says that almost no action that could be registered and measured by Her Majesty 's inspector has yet been taken by the police committee .
3 In the average-size or small hotel these tasks could be centralised and dealt with by the brigade of receptionists in one office .
4 ONe of these was the notion of compiling human knowledge as sets of ‘ rules ’ that could be manipulated and controlled by an ‘ inference engine ’ , the purpose being to combine human type reasoning with the processing speed of the computer and by doing so to provide output that was similar to that of a human expert .
5 Although this rule could be represented and applied within a symbolic system , it is reasonable to suggest that it has been ‘ learnt ’ by the evolutionary process and is embodied in the flies ' neurophysiology .
6 If people are seriously interested in extending the application of the democratic principle with our society , it is certainly a model that could be adopted and adapted without serious practical difficulties in many other institutions .
7 ‘ If a woman did not become pregnant after the first transfer attempt , any frozen embryos could be thawed and transferred in a subsequent menstrual cycle , ’ he said .
8 Weeks in which an attacking force could be rallied and sent against the besiegers .
9 Turf and peat could be cut and dried for fuel and building materials , rough wood was used for firewood and construction , and reeds , rushes and bracken were gathered for bedding , roofing , flooring and building .
10 There were no longer the possibilities for ship-based guerrillas to flit along enemy coastlines , but now small parties could be landed and withdrawn in a fast-moving or underwater approach .
11 The subjective inner world of animals was not denied and an evolutionary development of sensed-worlds was assumed because of the complexity indicated by the increasing sophistication of perceptual and communicational mechanisms , but only the behaviour could be charted and recorded in the actual passage of time .
12 This conferred a sense of order on village life , a sense of ‘ place ’ , in both a geographical and a social sense , which could be recognized and accepted as an immutable fact of life .
13 This conferred a sense of order on village life , a sense of ‘ place ’ , in both a geographical and a social sense , which could be recognized and accepted as an immutable fact of life .
14 They could be raised and put into perspective by talking about everyday activities : crossing the road , driving a car , smoking or drinking alcohol .
15 The great gods were remote and awesome to most ordinary Egyptians , but the appeal of gods like famous kings and deified humans lay in the fact that their qualities could be recognised and understood by everyone .
16 Changes in the state of the system , in this case changes from one rock type ( for example , shale ) to another ( for example , grit ) could be examined and counted in bore-holes and outcrops .
17 The centrifugal forces of the Nazi Movement were held together in great measure by the ideals embodied in the image of the Führer ; social disappointments and disillusionment could be transcended and overcome by participation in the Führer 's great ‘ struggle ’ and ultimate satisfaction in the brave new world to come .
18 The problem of how to record all the informant said would be best dealt with by means of a tape recorder so that the complete verbatim record could be kept and referred to when needed later .
19 The setting of economic objectives and projections by individual countries would imply that the ‘ success ’ of economic policy could be tested and judged by other countries , and by implication that appropriate economic policies would need to be introduced if objectives were not being achieved .
20 The ‘ Senior Fire Steward ’ would have a pre-prepared list of all sections to be searched by which the current situation could be assessed and reported to the Fire Service on its arrival .
21 The exclusive occupation of the tenant coupled with the payment of rent created a tenancy which at common law could be terminated and converted into a licence as soon as the landlord exercised his power to share occupation .
22 Such an ideal , he believed , could be imparted and maintained by a public system of education …
23 On Jan. 8 Norman Lamont , the United Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer , announced detailed proposals on how a new currency — the " hard ecu " ( separate from the existing European currency unit — ECU ) — could be created and managed by a European monetary fund ( EMF ) .
24 In the less fertile , wilder southern fringes it was on the whole more rewarding to raise stock whose meat could be salted down and whose hides could be tanned and made into clothing , shoes and cooking or storage pots .
25 Instead of being directly involved , radical supporters were diverted into the groups where their thoughts could be sifted and selected at will .
26 Under the plan , sale of shares to third persons would be banned for three years , but after that period could be bought and sold on the stock exchange .
27 Everything , every service , object , or person — hospital or job , could be bought and sold in a market place — freely and without check .
28 Secondly , family ownership began to be replaced by the joint stock company in which shares could be bought and sold in the open market .
29 The idea that a player was bound to a company for the rest of his life , and could be bought and sold like a chattel with no real say in the matter , went out of the window because it offended against the principles of individuality .
30 A Georgian mansion , as near to Tara Hill as possible , could be restored and used as the Royal palace .
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